Gita : Ch-10. Slo-25.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-10. ( Vibhuthi-yogam )

Slokam-25. ( Lord  tells  further  :  Of the great sages I am Bhrgu; of vibrations I am the transcendental om. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himalayas.)

maharshinam  bhrguraham  giramasmyekamaksharam,

yajnanam  japayajnosmi  sthavaranam  himalayah.

maharshinam  bhrgu  aham  =  I  am  Bhrgu  among  the  great  Mahrishi-s  ( Sages );

giram  =  of  words;

ekam  aksharam  asmi  =  I  am  the  [ single (one and only) letter ] OMnkaram;

yajnanam  japayajnah  =  of  all  yajna-s  japayajnam  and;

sthavaranam  himalayah  =  of  all  static  things  ( immovable  things )  himalayam  ( mountain )  too;

( aham )  asmi  =  I  am.

 Lord Krishna reveals that of the holy sages His vibhuti is Bhrigu.

The word giram means articulate sound vibrations of these Lord Krishna's vibhuti is the all powerful monosyllable OM.

Of all yagna or propitiation and worship to the Supreme Lord, the best and most elevated is japa-yagno the reverential and devotional chanting of the Supreme Lord Krishna holy names.

Of terrestrial mountains His vibhuti is the mighty Himalayas.

Of articulate sound vibrations Lord Krishna's vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the monosyllable OM the root of all sound.

Among yagna or propitiation and worship of the Supreme Lord, His vibhuti is japa- yagno or the devoted chanting of the Supreme Lord Krishna's holy names.

Of immovable mountains His vibhuti is the Himalaya mountains.

Of sound vibrations Lord Krishna's vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence manifests as the sacred monosyllable OM which is uttered before every Vedic ritual can begin.

The words ekam aksharam directly refers to OM.

Of all acts of worship and propitiation Lord Krishna's vibhuti manifests as japa-yajno or the reverential chanting of the holy names of the Supreme Lord with bhakti or exclusive loving devotion.

Of immovable things His vibhuti is the towering Himalaya's, the highest mountains on Earth.

Brahma, the first living creature within the universe, created several sons for the propagation of various kinds of species.

The most powerful of his sons is Bhrgu, who is also the greatest sage.

Of all the transcendental vibrations, the "om" (omkara) represents the Supreme.

Of all the sacrifices, the chanting of Lord's names,  is the purest . .

Therefore the Himalayas, the greatest mountains in the world, also represent Him.

The mountain named Meru was mentioned in a previous slokam, but Meru is sometimes movable, whereas the Himalayas are never movable.

Thus the Himalayas are greater than Meru.

To be continued  ...


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