Gita : Ch-10. Slo-19.

Srimad  Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-10. ( Vibhuthi-yogam )

Slokam-19. (  The Blessed Lord said: Yes, I will tell you of My splendorous manifestations, but only of those which are prominent, O Arjuna, for My opulence is limitless.)

Sri-bhagavan uvaca

hanta te kathayisyami  divya hyatmavibhutayah,

pradhanyatah kurusreshtta  nastyanto vistarasya me.

Sri-bhagavan uvaca  =  Bhagvan  said;

hante  kurusreshtta  =  yes  kurusreshtta  ( best  among  kuru  vamsam Arjuna );

divyah  atmavibhutayah  =  divine  in  ( my )  atma - vibhuthi-s  ( personal opulences);

pradhanyatah  =  prime,  first, very  important ( principally);

te kathayisyami  =  I  shal  speak  to  you;

hi  me  =  why  because,  My  vibhuthi-s;

vistarasya  =  ( if )  ( I )  start  to  explain  in  detail;

antah  na  asti  =  ( there  will  be  )  no  end  at  all.

The word Lord Krishna uses to describe His atma-vibhutayah or His personal divine transcendental opulence is pradhanyatah which means prominent, the most exalted of His manifestations for it would not be possible to recount them all as His glories are perpetual.

Throughout this chapter the Supreme Lord Krishna has expressed His power of yoga or the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the ultimate consciousness of the Supreme Lord.

His yoga denotes the rulership as the creator of all and His vibhuti denotes the governance of all living entities as displayed by His residing in the etheric heart of every living entity.

This also includes the functions of creator, preserver and destroyer of the total material manifestation.

So requested Lord Krishna agrees to reveal more about His vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence; but only those most prominent as there is no limit to His opulence and His glories are endless.

The use of vocative particle hanta inferring dear one is very personal and indicates compassionate affection.

Lord Krishna being so beseeched and entreated to reveal more about His vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence speaks the word hanta which is a very affectionate term of address.

It is not possible to comprehend the greatness of Krishn and His opulences.

The senses of the individual soul are imperfect and do not permit him to understand the totality of Krishna's affairs.

Still the devotees try to understand Krishna, but not on the principle that they will be able to understand Krishna fully at any specific time or in any state of life. Rather, the very topics of Krishna are so relishable that they appear to them as nectar.

Thus they enjoy them.

In discussing Krishna's opulences and His diverse energies, the pure devotees take transcendental pleasure.

Therefore they want to hear and discuss them.

Krishna knows that living entities do not understand the extent of His opulences; He therefore agrees to state only the principal manifestations of His different energies.

The word pradhanyatah (principal) is very important because we can understand only a few of the principal details of the Supreme Lord, for His features are unlimited.

It is not possible to understand them all.

And vibhuthi, as used in this slokam, refers to the opulences by which He controls the whole manifestation.

In the Amara-kosa dictionary it is stated that vibhuthi indicates an exceptional opulence.

The impersonalist or the pantheist cannot understand the exceptional opulences of the Supreme Lord nor the manifestations of His divine energy.

Both in the material world and in the spiritual world His energies are distributed in every variety of manifestation.

Now Krishna is describing what can be directly perceived by the common man; thus part of His variegated energy is described in this way.

To be continued  ...


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