Gita : Ch-10. Slo-24.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-10. ( Vibhuthi-yogam )

Slokam-24. ( Lord Krishna : Of priests, O Arjuna, know Me to be the chief, Bṛhaspati, the lord of devotion. Of generals I am Skanda, the lord of war; and of bodies of water I am the ocean.)

purodhasam   ca   mukhyam   mam  viddhi   partha  brhaspatim,

senaninamaham   skandah  sarasamasmi   sagarah.

partha  mam  =  hey  Arjuna,  Me;

purodhasam  mukhyam  =  the  chief  of  all  priests;

brhaspatim  viddhi  =  know  ( Me )  the  Brahaspathi;

senanini  nam  aham  skandah  =  of  all  commanders  ( Generals ),  I  am   Subramanian  ( Kartikeyan );

sarasam  sagarah  asmi   =  of all   Jalasayas  (reservoirs of water )  I  am  the  Ocean.

Indra is the chief demigod of the heavenly planets and is known as the king of the heavens.

The planet in which he reigns is called Indraloka.

Brhaspati is Indra's priest, and since Indra is the chief of all kings, Brhaspati is the chief of all priests.

And as Indra is the chief of all kings, similarly Skanda, the son of Parvati and Lord Siva, is the chief of all military commanders.

And of all bodies of water, the ocean is the greatest.

These representations of Krishna only give hints of His greatness.

Lord Krishna reveals that of priests His vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is Brihaspati the chief priest of all the demigods.

The word senaninam means generals or commanders of armies of them all Lord Krishna's vibhuti is Skanda who commands the armies of the demigods and is known as Kartikeya the son of Siva.

Among priests know Lord Krishna's vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulenceto be Brihaspati the chief priest of all the demigods and among warrior chiefs know His vibhuti to be Skandah the general and commander of the army of the demigods and is known as Kartikeya.

Of priests Lord Krishna's vibhuti divine, transcendental opulence is Brihaspati the priest of all the demigods, of generals His vibhuti is Skanda the commander of the demigods and who is also known as Kartikeya the son of Shiva and of fixed bodies of water His vibhuti is the mighty ocean.

To be continued  ...


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