Gita : Ch-10. Slo-33.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-10. ( Vibhuthi-yogam ) Slokam-33. ( Of letters I am the letter A, and among compounds I am the dual word. I am also inexhaustible time, and I am ONE, whose manifold faces turn everywhere. ) aksharanamakarosmi dvandvah samasikasya ca, ahamevakshayah kalah dhataham visvatomukhah. aksharanam akarh = of letters the first letter "A-karam" ( A); samasikasya dvandvah ca asmi = of two things of equal importance and easily united directly ( compounds ) I am the Duel; akshayah kalah aham eva = I am the Eternal Time; visvatomukhah = of having many faces ( one in many but different in all ); dhata aham = Dhata : ( Paramatma the sustainer the vasanas which decide the individual's external world response ), I am. Of letters of the alphabet, Lord Krishna's vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the letter A for it representing all speech is the for