A Study of the Bhagavadgita :66 - Swami Krishnananda.
Tuesday 04, March 2025, 09:40.
A Study of the Bhagavadgita:
Chapter 10: The Hidden Meaning of the Seventh Chapter of the Gita-7.
Swami Krishnananda
With this description of the devotees and the nature of the jnani, Bhagavan Sri Krishna gives the secret of how you have to adapt yourself to God's outlook of life. The reason why the Supreme Form, the Universal Form, said that nobody can behold this except under special conditions is because of the fact the outlook of that Almighty is not always possible for anybody else to adopt. If you can think like God, feel like God, work like God, and have attitudes to things as perhaps God has, that would be a fitness on your part. But who on earth can think like God? We do not even know how He will think and what He expects us to think. The difficulty in envisioning the very structure of God's consciousness makes it hard for us to become really fit for that vision unless, with His mercy and compassion, He thrusts His own outlook on our head, as perhaps He did in the case of Arjuna. Arjuna had to be perforce made a good disciple by shakti pada, as it is called, a forceful entry of the Guru, the Lord Himself, into the mind of the disciple.
Jarāmaraṇamokṣāya mām āśritya yatanti ye, te brahma tad viduḥkṛtsnam adhyātmaṁkarma cākhilam (Gita 7.29);
sādhibhūtādhidaivaṁ māṁ sādhiyajñaṁ ca ye viduḥ, prayāṇakālepi ca māṁte vidur yuktacetasaḥ (Gita 7.30).
Te brahma tad iduḥkṛtsnam: They know the Absolute in its integrality, and also its manifestations as adhyatma, adhibhuta, adhidaiva. Te brahma tad viduḥkṛtsnam adhyātmaṁkarma cākhilam: all things.
The compassion of God is infinite. You would certainly expect to be devoted to Him throughout your life, not treating Him only as a second-hand or third-hand item which you can think of sometime later at leisure. But even then, it is good. “Even if you forget Me throughout your life but at least remember Me when you are dying, I shall be pleased with you.” This is great kindness indeed! You have forgotten your friend for your whole life, and only for one moment when you want something from him you are calling him and saying, “Hello, how are you?” Such a friend you cannot find in this world.
Chapter 11: Beholding God as He Beholds Himself
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