Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 58.



Monday, November 28, 2022. 09:00. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sannyasa-yogam.


Very important slokam

Read carefully and  understand  well.


Slokam-58 :

"maccittah   sarvadurgani   matprasadat   tarisyasi,

atha   cet   tvamahankarat   na   sroshyasi   vinankshyasi."

Translation : of Slokam :

If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditional life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost. 

Translation : words

mat   cittah   =   if  (you )  fix  ( your )  mind  in  Me ( if  you  live  in  My  consciousness );

tvam   matprasadat   =   you  by  My  blessings;

sarva  durgani   =   all  obstacles  (  impediments );

tarishyasi  =  you  will  overcome;

atha    ahankarat   =   but  because  of  ego;

tvam    na   sroshyasi   cet   =   then  if  you  are  not  prepared  to  listen  My  advice;

vinankshyasi   =   then  you  will  perish  yourself.  

Bhashyam ( Vyakyanam ) :

Now hear what will follow from such efforts. 

By fixing the mind on the Supreme Lord Krishna, by His grace any and all difficulties will be resolved whatever they may be; for such an aspirant all worldly troubles are overcome even if they seem to be insurmountable. 

Yet it should be clearly understood that if someone chooses to disregard or ignore the eternal teachings of the Vedic scriptures and out of egoism and self- conceit fall prey to the delusion that acting contrary to the Vedic scriptures is better. 

Then the disastrous result would be that they would commit sinful activities and fail the purpose of their existence. 

Subsequently at the time of death they would be hurled to the hellish worlds to suffer and rot in samsara the perpetual cycle of birth and death.

If one takes full shelter of the Supreme Lord with the mind fixed on Him while performing every activity. 

All obstacles and difficulties by His grace will be overcome. 

But if out of pride or vanity one disregards the instructions of the Supreme Lord Krishna thinking that one knows better then the eternal wisdom of the Vedic scriptures which originated from Him. 

Then one is doomed and will be deprived of the four goals of human existence: kama or enjoyment, artha or wealth, dharma or righteousness and moksa or liberation from material existence. 

One will thus be forced to continue to rot in samsara the perpetual cycle of birth and death.

Offering one's mind and heart in total surrendered unto the Supreme Lord along with all actions all worldly obstacles and impediments shall be overcome by His grace. 

But if one acts contrary to these unequivocal instructions choosing to abide with erroneous ideas of knowing what is better then the Vedic scriptures and instead disregard the instructions that the Supreme Lord is giving. 

Then one will be assured of certain failure for verily there is no one superior to Lord Krishna amongst all the infinite myriad of created beings nor is there any other creator other then He.


To be continued  ....



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