Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 57.



Thursday, November 24, 2022. 11:00. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sannyasa-yogam.


Very important slokam

Read carefully and  understand  well.



"cetasa    sarvakarmani    mayi    sannyasya   matparah,

buddhiyogamupasritya     maccittah    satatam   bhava.

"In all activities just depend upon Me and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me."

cetasa    sarva   karmani    =   with  the  mind,  all  ( your )  activities;

mayi    sannyasya    =    submitting  unto  Me;

matparah   =   considering  Me  as  pervaded   everywhere  and  in  everything;

buddhi-yogam   upasritya    =    by  following  (  practicing / using ),  buddhi  yogam;

satatam    maccittah     bhava   =   always,  fix / unite / devote  your  mind  unto  Me.

Bhashyam ( Vyakyanam ) :

Lord KrishnIn all activities just depend upon Me and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me.a confirms in this verse that those devotees who are versed in karma yoga or facilitating communion with the Supreme Lord by actions, bhakti yoga or facilitating communion with the Supreme Lord by exclusive loving devotion, jnana yoga or facilitating communion with the Supreme Lord by knowledge and those who although not so expert have anyway fully surrendered to Him are on the same platform there is no difference if all ordained actions are offered with a feeling of surrender solely to Him. 

Such consciousness will also cause a modification in the cessation of random thought waves that arise uninvited. 

The equanimity of the intellect means control of the mind and snses.

If one is unable to practice detachment by themselves then one should mentally dedicate all actions to the Supreme Lord entrusting them to Him as the doer and offer all prescribed Vedic activities as well as all worldly activities in renunciation. 

This includes surrendering all ordinances, injunctions and prohibitions as well as one's daily mundane duties along with the resultant hopes, aspirations and rewards unto the Supreme Lord who becomes the only goal. 

One who after due reflection makes this resolve has perceived that Lord Krishna is the supreme reality to attain.

Renunciation factually means surrendering all thoughts and actions unto the Supreme Lord Krishna, regarding Him as the highest attainment, most important reality, the very essence of one's life and the actual purpose of existence. 

Resorting to yoga or facilitating communion with the Supreme Lord by discrimination of spiritual intelligence while performing activities in every aspect of life one fixes their mind in devotion to the Supreme Lord Krishna exclusively. In this way every activity is an oblation of devotion unto the Supreme Lord.

Lord Krishna and His manifestations are constantly in the thoughts of His devotees in His impersonal form as the brahman or spiritual substratum pervading all existence, as paramatma the Supreme Soul pervading within the etheric hearts of all living entities simultaneously and in His original two armed blackish form bedecked with peacock feather and attended by flute as well as in His authorised incarnations and expansions. 

Dedicating all efforts and actions unto the Supreme Lord with devotion considering Him as the sole goal and ultimate reward constitutes the essence of consciousness and the apex of attainment.


To be continued 



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