GEETA DHYANAM -4. Sri Madhusudana Saraswati



Sunday, June 19, 2022. 21:00

Meditation on the Bhagavad Geeta :  (9 Slokas)

 Slokam- 4. The Cow, Cowherd & Milk of Geeta


 Slokam- 4. 

"Sarva upanishadah gavah, dogdha gopala nandanah; 

parthah vatsah sudheh bhokta, dugdham geetaa-amritam mahat."


Translation :

1 sarva upanishadah gavah,          = All the Upanishads are cows;

2 dogdha gopala nandanah;         = The milkman is the cowherd’s son, Krishna;

3.parthah vatsah sudheh bhokta,  = Paartha (Arjuna) is the calf; men of purified intellect are the enjoyers;

4 dugdham geetaa-amritam mahat. = the milk is the supreme nectar of the Geeta! 


Commentary :


Simile of “The Mother Cow”:


1 The Mother Cow is a fitting simile to represent knowledge. In the India of those

days as well as even today, the cow plays a key role. It is a very gentle animal, a picture of

patience and tolerance. It is also a picture of service and self-giving. It provides milk in

abundance not only for her calf but also for her cowherd’s family. All these features of the

simile are brought out in this verse.

2 One of the most common pictures depicting Sri Krishna shows Him standing beside

the cow, playing His flute. This pastoral scene inspired the present verse.

Krishna was raised in the household of Vasudeva, a cowherd in Brindavan. His task

was to take the cows to the pastures, using His flute to drive them (as seen in the last verse).

All day He would spend with the cows in the field. This represents being in touch with the

knowledge of the Upanishads throughout the day. By tending the Upanishadic cows in this

manner, with all love, they were ready for milking by the afternoon. When He returned with

them in the late afternoon, it was time for the milking. The cows can just be pictured with

swaying udders almost bursting with milk!

3a First to feed on the milk is the calf. That barely tickled the udders. There was milk

enough for the whole household and beyond it. The whole village would come and take

their share. Arjuna was one who took the “first drink” like the calf. He received the Geeta on

behalf of all mankind. And all humanity is still drinking it thirstily as ever.

3b What was so special about this milk? It was rich with the pure nectar of the

knowledge contained in the Geeta! That was what made it so sweet and health-giving. Men

of purified intellect will enjoy it most. However, all who drink it, will return purer than

before they drank.

4 Each family was free to treat the milk the way they wished. Some churned it and

produced butter, others produced curds which was little Krishna’s favourite. He would even

go to those houses and ‘steal’ it from their pots!

In the same way the nectar of milk called the Geeta is used by each person in his

own way. Whatever appeals to him, he drinks a full glass of it. Some will chant it, some will

be thrilled by its philosophy, some will be inspired to fight against Adharma, and some will

simply want to contemplate on the Almighty Lord. The milk is suitable for people of all

tastes, i.e. all levels of understanding. The Geeta quenches everyone’s spiritual thirst. 


Next -

Slokam-5. Salutations to the Avatara.

To be continued ....



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