Srimad Bhagavad Gita : Chapter-16. Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam, Slokams : 14.


Sunday,  April  25,  2021.  11:06.AM. 
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
Chapter-16. Daivasurasampadvibhagayogam ( Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam ) 


Slokam-14 :  

"asau  maya  hatah  satruh   hanishye  caparanapi,

isvarohamaham  bhogi  siddhoham  balavan  sukhi."


Translation by words :

asau  maya  hatah  satruh   =  I  killed  that  enemy;

aparan  api  =  others  too;

hanishye  ca  =  I  kill  them  also;

aham  isvarah  =  I  am  the  SUPREME;

aham  bhogi  =  I enjoy  all  these;

ahanm  siddhah  =  I  am  perfect;

balavan  sukhi  =  I  am  strong  and  powerful  ( and ) enjoy.  


Translation of Slokam :

"That enemy was destroyed by me, others will also be destroyed. I am the lord, I am the enjoyer, I have accomplished everything. I am mighty and happy."


Commentary :

He is my enemy, and I have killed him; and my other enemy will also be killed. I am the lord of everything, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, powerful and happy.

By describing the parameters by which the demoniac mentality functions, Lord Krishna illustrates the hellish and degraded path they traverse. 

Ignoring all morality the demoniac think that whatever they find pleasurable is for their enjoyment without restriction and they will scheme to obtain it by any means. 

The demoniac only respect power and might.

Their conception is that might is right and hence they will destroy whatever is an obstacle to fulfilling their ambitions and desires, not hesitating to injure or even kill others. 

The demoniac think that their ideology is superior and they resort to deception, hypocrisy, intimidation and force to coerce others to believe and accept such a fallacy. 

The demoniac are captivated by lust, greed and false ego. 

They make concerted efforts to orchestrate events to try to influence others to acknowledge them as superior and in the process immerse themselves deeper and deeper in illusion. 

Hence although the demoniac exercise considerable power and various areas of control because they are so completely deluded as defined by their own degraded mentalities they keep themselves enslaved in bondage by incessantly pursuing materialistic desires and mundane goals due to following false ideologies and belief in erroneous concepts.

To be continued  ...




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