Srimad Bhagavad Gita : Chapter-16. Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam, Slokams : 13.

Monday. April 19, 2021. 10 : 29.AM.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
Chapter-16.  Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam.

 Chapter-16. Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam. 


Slokam-13 : 

"Idamadya  maya  labdham  imam  prapsye  manoratham,

idamastidamapi  me  bhavishyati  punardhanam."


Translation :

Adya  maya  idam   labdham  =  today  I  have  achieved  this;

imam  manoratham  prapsye  =  I  will  fulfil  this  ( my )  desire;

me  idam  asti  =  I  got  ( have )  this  much;

idam  dhanam   api  =  this  wealth ( is ) also;

punah   bhavishyati   =  soon  will be  mine.


Commentary :

Lord Krishna explicitly emphasises that the demoniac are consumed by incessantly hankering for the fulfilment of their insatiable desires. 

The demoniac are always thinking about what they have gained and enjoyed today, what they will gain and enjoy tomorrow and what they will gain and enjoy in the future. 

The demoniac do not believe in destiny and fate but only in the capabilities of their own efforts, intelligence and power. 

Destroying anything that obstructs their desires and gets in the way of their ambitions, the demoniac think today I have destroyed a formidable enemy by my power and might, tomorrow I shall destroy more enemies because I am all powerful. 

I am master of my own destiny, invincible and independent. All is for my enjoyment. Everyone is inferior to me. I am wealthy, highborn and thus superior. I am the enjoyer. None is my equal.

Observing that those endowed with the divine nature sometimes achieve phenomenal fame and extraordinary acclaim by performing ritualistic activities of righteous nature for the benefit of all creation; the demoniac spitefully concoct their own ritualistic activities based upon evil and clandestinely engage in fiendish activities such as offering blood sacrifices and vampirism to disincarnate spirits, ghosts and demons channelling in ghastly and horrendous non-human energies to whom they sacrifice infants and humans in exchange for material power. This is how they covertly operate in secret.

The demoniac also diabolically and deceptively imitate those of the divine nature by pretending to be compassionate philanthropists and establish institutions bearing their name that give ostentatious donations for hospitals and charitable organisations for feeding the poor as well as contributing to religious societies where they can showcase themselves as appearing pious. 

This is how they openly operate in public.

To be continued  ....



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