The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita - 9.6. Last post. Swami Krishnananda.


Saturday,March 20,  2021. 08:02. PM.
Chapter 9: The Divine Incarnation and God-oriented Activity -6.
Last post

Thus, the Fourth Chapter gives us two important aspects of the message of Yoga. Firstly, God’s Hands move in this world as Incarnations which cannot be counted in number. It is not that there is only Incarnation historically. Every event in the world is a divine miracle beyond the understanding of the human individual, and this divine miracle is the working of the Incarnations.

The Incarnations have various degrees of intensity in their workings, and are in that particular shape or form which would be required under the circumstances of the case. Hence it is that we see a diversity among the messages of the prophets and the Incarnations accepted by the various religions of the world. They are not diversified really. They appear to be so on account of the diversity of the needs of the circumstances which necessitated their descent, even as various types of medical prescriptions may be required in different cases presented before a medical practitioner. It does not mean that the prescriptions are all cut off one from the other with no relation among themselves. There is a relation, but they appear to be unconnected on account of difference in the cases.

So, while there is an apparent disparity in the teachings of the leaders of religion and the Incarnations accepted by people, the so-called differences are only on the surface. The intention is the same. They come from the same source for the fulfilment of a common purpose. Finally, we may say that there is only one religion in the whole world, which manifests itself as various religions on account of the vehicles through which it functions, according to the times and climes of the world through the history of the universe. Such is the first message of the Fourth Chapter, a great and wondrous miracle of God working as Incarnation in the various events of the world, at all times, perpetually.

The other message of the chapter is that we have to perform, perforce, action as integrated beings in the structure of the universe, basing it on a knowledge of the wholeness of things and our basic relationship with the environment in which we are, so that Karma Yoga becomes more and more intensive as we rise higher and higher in the level of our comprehension. When we realise God, when we enter into the being of God, when we are established in the wholeness of God’s Being, which is called realisation of God, action becomes knowledge in the literal sense, so that the two do not exist even in thought or memory. Action is being, and being is action; God’s existence is the same as God’s activity, and God’s activity is the same as God’s existence, as distinguished from what it appears in our own individual level.


Next : Chapter - 10: Forms of Sacrifice and Concentration

To be continued ....



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