Srimad Bhagavad Gita : Chapter-16. Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam, Slokam-10.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021.09:27. AM.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita : Chapter-16. Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam, 

Slokam-10 :

"kamam ashritya dushpuram dambha-mana-madanvitah

mohad grihitvasad-grahan pravartante ’shuchi-vratah"


Tatvam (Essence) of the slokam :

The demoniac, taking shelter of insatiable lust, pride and false prestige, and being thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent. Harboring insatiable lust, full of hypocrisy, pride and arrogance, the demoniac cling to their false tenets. Thus illusioned, they are attracted to the impermanent and work with impure resolve.


Translation : 1.






mada-anvitah—clinging to false tenets; 

mohat—the illusioned; 

gṛihitva—being attracted to; 



pravartante—they flourish; 

ashuchi-vratah—with impure resolve


Translation : 2.

dushpuram  kamam  asritya  =  taking shelter of  ( becoming  slave  of  )  insatiable  lust;

dambha  mana  mada  anvitah  =  they  with  pride,  false prestige,  absorbed in conceit  (  they  who  are  with  combined  evil  characters  such  as  dambham,manam, and madham );

asucivratah  =  attached  to  impure  thoughts /sankalpa-s;

mohat  =  affected  by  avivekam / by illusion;

asadgrahan  =    on  non-permananet  material  things;

 grhitv  pravartante  =  live  and  flourish.


Commentary : 

By giving vent to insatiable lustful desires, the demoniac-minded develop terribly impure etheric hearts. They become full of hypocrisy and pretend to be what they are not. Their deluded intellect embraces wrong ideas and their pride makes them believe that nobody is more intelligent than them. Attracted to the fleeting pleasures of sense objects, their intellect becomes mean, selfish, and arrogant. Thus, they disregard the injunctions of the scriptures and go contrary to what is proper and truthful.

The demoniac mentality is described here. The demons' lust is never satiated. They will go on increasing and increasing their insatiable desires for material enjoyment. Although they are always full of anxieties on account of accepting nonpermanent things, they still continue to engage in such activities out of illusion. They have no knowledge and cannot tell that they are heading the wrong way. Accepting nonpermanent things, such demoniac people create their own God, create their own hymns and chant accordingly. 

The result is that they become more and more attracted to two things-sex enjoyment and accumulation of material wealth. The word asuci-vratah, unclean vow, is very significant in this connection. Such demoniac people are only attracted by wine, women, gambling and meat eating; those are their asuci, unclean habits. Induced by pride and false prestige, they create some principles of religion which are not approved by the Vedic injunctions. Although such demoniac people are most abominable in the world, still, by artificial means, the world creates a false honor for them. Although they are gliding toward hell, they consider themselves very much advanced.

Lord Krishna explains that the demoniac are propelled by lust and greed that is insatiable and constantly seeking to be fulfilled in the hope of being gratified. The demoniac endeavour to procure such fulfilment is mohad or deluded illusion and through gross improprieties they forcefully misappropriate and enjoy things which are not lawfully theirs. The compound word asuci-vratah means the demoniac fiendishly execute devilish rituals such as blood sacrifices and the killing of animals and even humans in following their diabolical rites. Specifically engaging in forbidden acts prohibited by the Vedic scriptures which oppose all sense of righteousness, morality and decency. By resorting to duplicity, hypocrisy, sorcery, evil magic, and surreptitious deception the demoniac nature is able to prevail and flourish.

Continuing further Lord Krishna describes that the demoniac pursue desires impossible to accomplish. Possessed of hypocrisy and mendacity the demoniac resort to the worship of discarnate demons, ghastly ghosts and satanic spirits in their attempts to increase their power and longevity. The demoniac by executing such depraved and degraded actions are completely ensnared by delusion and obstinately execute degenerative activities of diabolical dimensions with impure minds, in an impure state with impure ingredients such as blood and fat from the killing of animals as well as humans at inauspicious times such at midnight on inauspicious days and astrological alignments such as lunar eclipses and amavasya or new moon in their diabolical obsession and lust for power.

Lord Krishna further clarifies that the demoniac harbouring insatiable lusts and desires invent false doctrines to corroborate their heinous activities fostered by vile and diabolical vows of deranged depravity. At inauspicious times such as midnight and during thunderstorms, on inauspicious days such as new moon and eclipses and at inauspicious places such as crematoriums and cemeteries; the demoniac exuding evil and full of impurity, hypocrisy, deviousness, belligerence, arrogance and pretentiousness offer blood of animals and even humans in their diabolical worship of disincarnate ghosts, spirits, hobgoblins and demons.

Lord Krishna is reiterating that normal desires are very difficult to satisfy while emphasizing that degraded and degenerative desires are even more difficult to fulfill. Such vast undertakings and prodigious schemes which are so difficult to accomplish create great distress and frustration in the attempt.

To be continued  .



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