Commentary on the Srimad Bhagavad Gita- Discourse 7.6. - Swami Krishnananda.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday,March 25, 2021. 11:07. AM. Chapter-7. The Third Chapter Concludes: The Knower of Reality.-6. Post-17. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other method is, as far as possible, to try to avoid the company of people who are not in any way going to be of help to you or are going to be a disturbance to you. Atheists and materialists or opponents of any kind may not be good company for you. Be alone to yourself. Try to be alone to yourself as much as possible, and be in the midst of people only to that extent as would be necessitated by the work that you perform. You may be a teacher, you may be a factory manager, you may be a medical person, or you may be professor, etc. You may be in the midst of society only to the extent to which you have to fulfil your obligations—not more, not less. When that performance is over, you may withdraw yourself. ...