Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-15. Slokam - 8.
Thursday, October 01, 2020. 5:41. AM.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
Chapter-15. Purushothama-yogam
Slokam - 8.
"This chapter is very important, hence kindly follow and understand each slokam well."
"Sariram yadavapnoti yaccapyutkramatisvarah,
grhitvaitani samyati vayurgandhanivasayat."
isvarah = jivatma the part of Paramatma the iswaran / Lord;
yat sariram avapnoti = ( when ) gets the body too;
yat ca api utkramati = ( when ) leaves the body too - i.e, during birth and death;
vayah asayat = the wind ( vayu ) from the flower and so;
gandhan iva = like the fragrencce ( of the flower ) / smell;
etani = these things --- senses and mind;
grhitva samyati = takes and goes away.
Tatvam ( Essence ) :
"The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another as the air carries aromas."
Discourse :
When a jiva or embodied being due to the mercy of the Vaisnava spiritual master, attains the auspiciousness of bhakti or exclusive loving devotion unto the Supreme Lord Krishna at that time the Supreme Lord Himself as paramatma the Supreme Soul inconceivably resides simultaneously within the etheric heart of every jiva or embodied being commences to direct the actions of that blessed disciple of His servitor, the Vaisnava spiritual master, who guides and instructs through his words and actions. Although the Supreme Lord is continuously entering and departing each and every womb along with every jiva and atma, he does not desire any recompense for this. In the Moksa Dharma known also as the Mahabharata it is stated: Even though the jiva witnesses the temporal emotions, merits and demerits and knows what is ultimately beneficial it is powerless to oppose them. Even though moving hither and thither to the four corners of the planet, enjoying here and suffering there, all actions are actually energised by the Supreme Lord. Even when conquering and winning if one considers themselves a great personality, factually they are only performing as ordained by the Supreme Lord. Even as a vehicle controlled by someone moves a passenger from one location to another. In the same manner the jiva transmigrates from one body to another controlled by the potency of the Supreme Lord.
Now the science of transmigration of the atma or immortal soul from jiva to jiva or embodied being is explained. When the postive and negative karma or reactions to actions that one has performed has been calculated and tabulated along with the types of food one has eaten throughout their life a jiva obtains birth in an appropriate womb and acquires a new body taking along with it in a subtle body the mind and the senses from the previous body. This can be understood by the analogy Lord Krishna gives of a breeze transporting to another location the fragrances of the flowers it has come into contact with. So the subtle body of the jiva containing the mind and the senses transports itself from body to body.
When and how the mind and senses accompany the jiva or embodied being in the process of transmigration from one body at the time of death to another at the time of conception is clarified by Lord Krishna. The purport is that wherever the jiva departs from a body and whenever it is compeled to accept another body the atma or immortal soul migrating from one body to another, arrives with the subtle forms of the mind and senses in tact to perform their functions through the physical body which has been allotted due to karma or reactions to previous actions. The Supreme Lord clarifies this with the analogy of the wind carrying the scents of flowers to various locations.
Whatever body a jiva or embodied being is subjected to reside in and whatever body they depart from; the atma or immortal soul is automatically accompanied by the five senses and the mind. Lord Krishna explains this process as similar to a breeze which picks up the scents of flowers carrying them through through the air from one location to another.
To be continued ..
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