The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita : 5. Sri Swami Chidananda


5. Earthly Pleasure is Transitory :

Whatever be the "daulat" of this earth, whatever be the pomp of this passing pageantry, the real Hindu knows that true and lasting happiness is not to be got in this perishable world. Anityamasukham Lokamiman Prapya Bhajaswa Maam. This is the clarion call of Sri Krishna in the Gita.

This is the main theme. Things here are not going to last. We cannot depend upon any objects for our permanent bliss or satisfaction. Also it is Asukham: there is no real pleasure in the objects of the external universe. There is no real pleasure in any enjoyment of the human senses.

This knowledge is ingrained in every son of Bharatavarsha; be he of the highest aristocracy or education, or be he an unlettered and illiterate Kisan. He also knows, "these passing things of this external earth will not give me eternal satisfaction", and that yearning is there in the sub-conscious of every true Hindu.

This yearning is more than amply fulfilled in the Gita. Gita is the scripture for the struggling Sadhaka who wishes to have this attainment of Paramananda, Nityasukha, Param Shanti. For that, if we turn to the Gita, we see that its pages are teeming with practical hints, guiding advice and admonition, about every aspect in Sadhana, and a wonderful synthesis of all Sadhanas, suited to all temperaments upon earth.

It is a unique scripture covering the entire gamut of spiritual life. For the Karma Yogin, Gita has its wonderful advice. Gita gives to all of us, Sadhakas, who long for real peace and bliss, and freedom from the bondage of this sorrowful, earthly existence, a wonderful Sadhana, a wonderful treasure, a view as also a wonderful Bhav or attitude towards life.



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