The Bhagavadgita – A Synthesis of Thought and Action-7 : Swami Krishnananda

(Spoken on Gita Jayanti in 1973)
A Synthesis of Thought and Action-7.

If the world is a single unity, of which we are also an integral part, accepted, no object or person in the world relates to us in any paternalistic fashion and, therefore, no one in the world can bring us happiness or sorrow. Our individualised happiness or grief is an immediate outcome of our so-called relationship with certain persons and things in the world which ultimately does not exist, and cannot be justified.

The Upanishads speak of the ultimate truth of things.

Yo vai bhuma tat sukham :

The Plenum is felicity. And what is the Plenum?

What is this Bhuma which is the source of real bliss?

The Chhandogya Upanishad tells us :

yo vai bhuma tat sukham, nalpe sukham asti (Chhandogya Upanishad VII.23.1); 

yatra nanyat pasyati, anyat shrinoti, anyat vijaanaati sa bhuma (VII.24.1).


Chhandogya Upanishad:

Sections 16-23,   
Mantram-s - 8.

Section 23:  “Bhumaa” –THE INFINITE

1. yah vai BHUMAA, tat sukham. = Only that which is INFINITE, is true Happiness.
2. na alpe sukham asti; “Bhoomaiva Sukham.” = There is no happiness in anything finite;“ The Infinite alone is Happiness.”

3. BHUMAA tu eva vijijnaa-sitavya iti. = But the INFINITEone mustdesire to understand.
4. bhoomaanam bhagavah vijijnaasa iti. = Narada: Revered sir, the InfiniteI do desire to understand.

PART - 6
Sections 24-27,   
Mantram-s - 6.

Section 24:  “Moksha” –LIBERATION

Mantram  24.1:The State of Liberation

1. yatra na anyat pashyati, na anyat shrinoti, na anyat vijaanaati –sah BHUMAA. = i). That in which one sees nothing else,hears nothing else,andunderstands nothing else –That is the INFINITE.

2. atha yatra anyat pashyati, anyat shrinoti, anyat vijaanaati, tat ALPAM. = ii). But that in which one sees something else, hears something else,andunderstands something else –that is the FINITE.

3. yah vai bhoomaa, tat amritam; atha yad alpam, tat martyam. = iii). That which is Infinite, is alone immortal;butthat which is finite, is mortal.

Where you are not permitted to look on any object as an external something, that is the Supreme Plenum. But where you are drawn down to the level of an individualistic perception of such and such a thing being personally related to you, that is finitude of consciousness. It is not the true nature of things.

"Satyam eva jayate nanrtam,
satyena pantha vitato deva-yanah,
yen-akramanty-rsayo hy apta-kama
yatra tat satyasya paramam nidhanam." (Mundaka Upanisahd 3.1.6), says the Upanishad.

Truth succeeds; untruth will never succeed.

And what is the truth?
The Plenum is the truth.
And what is the Plenum?

Wherein you are not to look upon anything as an isolated something or a disjointed object separated from your own existence, that is the Plenum.

To be continued ..


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