The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita -1. Sri Swami Chidananda

1. Introduction :

Today is the most auspicious and sacred day of Sri Gita Jayanti, when one of the most glorious scriptures of the world, which has been blessing humanity by its powerful Upadesha ever since it was expounded to Arjuna on the battle-field of Kurukshetra by the Lord. It is the advent of this glorious scripture that we are trying to commemorate today by the Jayanti celebration when we express our thoughts,—reverential and worshipful thoughts—in connection with this scripture as a gesture of our adoration of it, as also a token of our heartfelt gratitude for the blessing that it has been and shall ever continue to be to humanity.

Gita has been said to be the very essence of the Upanishads upon which our culture is based. Even now the basis of Bharatiya culture is recognised to be the Upanishads. The Upanishads about which one of the greatest of German savants said: "The Upanishads have been the solace of my life and the Upanishads shall surely be the solace at the time of my departure from life." Gita is said to be the very cream and the essence of the lofty wisdom of these Upanishads. So in the Gita we have got the wisdom of the Upanishads in a nutshell. We have access to the best, the most precious gems that are to be found in the mine that the Upanishads are.

To be continued ..


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