The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity : 1.1.5 - Swami Krishnananda

Chapter 1.1.5
1.Introduction -5.

They say this was the condition prevailing once upon a time in the Golden Age of creation; we call it Krita Yuga in Sanskrit. There are four yugas: Krita Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. It is said that in Krita Yuga there was no government. It was not necessary at all, because each one was one hundred percent capable of appreciating the needs of another. It is very difficult to imagine such a state of affairs. Each one knew his duty or her duty. Nobody need say, “Do this”; nobody need say, “Don’t do this.” Everyone knew what was to be done and what was not to be done. That was the golden age of humanity, called the Krita Yuga. But the Krita Yuga did not always prevail.

The intrusion of difference in ideologies, ideas and perspectives of life began to show its head in the Treta Yuga. Then there was felt a need to create a force which would bring all these differences into a state of harmony. If two people do not agree, a third person is appointed as a judge to decide their differences. If they agreed a hundred percent, why should there be a judge? This third element which was felt necessary to bring about a harmony among dissident factors was the king, the monarch. The need for a king or a ruler arose. Whatever be the way in which that king was appointed, elected, placed, etc., is a different matter.

Now, the subject on which I was supposed to speak a few words to the people who wanted to listen to me was ‘the relevance of the teaching of the Bhagavadgita to humanity’. There was no need for the gospel of the Bhagavadgita if there was no occasion for conflict of ideas and ideologies. It was not a harmonious way in which people were thinking. There was a difference of opinion, and each one was sticking to his gun, as it were. Each one was saying, “I am right”; therefore, there was a necessity to decide what is actually to be done under those circumstances.

To be continued ..


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