Gita : Ch-13, Slo-14, Discussion-5.


Chapter-13.  ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )

Slokam- 14.
sarvatah   panipadam   tat  sarvatokshisiromukham,

 sarvatah  srutimalloke  sarvamavrtya  tishtati.

 Word by meaning:-

sarvatah   pani-padam  = hands  and  legs  everywhere;

sarvatah  akshi-sirah-mukham  =  and  eyes,  heads,  faces  ( mouths),  everywhere;

sarvatah  srutimat  tat  =  ears  everywhere,  withh  all  these  (  as  mentioned  above  two  lines ),  the  'Brahmam';

loke  sarvam  avrtya  =  covering  everywhere  in  the  world  ( spread  in  all  things,  all  over  the  world );

tishtati  =  exists.

SUM :-(Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Paramatma exists.)


he question may arise that if the brahman or spiritual substratum pervading all existence is neither existing or non-existing then there seems to be a contradiction with Vedic scriptures such as the Chandogya Upanisad III.XIV.I which state: Everything is nothing but the brahman and the Narasingha Upanisad VII.III which state : -

"All this is nothing but the brahman. Apprehending such doubts the nature and qualities of the brahman are revealed by Lord Krishna as being omnipresent, with heads, faces, eyes, ears, hands and feet everywhere."

This manifests through the inconceivable potency and incomprehensible power of the Supreme Lord as confirmed in the Svetavastara Upanisad VI.VIII which states : -

"The Supreme Lords transcendental power is unlimited and manifold and His knowledge, strength and action are inherent within Himself. The Supreme Lord who manifesting in all jivas or embodied beings has head, faces, eyes, ears, hands and feet everywhere is pervading everything in creation and is the basis of all activity as these selfsame organs of perception and locomotion belong to all beings."

Gita : Ch-13, Slo-14, Discussions
The End.

NEXT : Gita : Ch-13, Slo-15.

To be continued ...


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