Gita : Ch-13, Slo-14, Discussion-3.


Chapter-13.  ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )

Slokam- 14.
sarvatah   panipadam   tat  sarvatokshisiromukham,

 sarvatah  srutimalloke  sarvamavrtya  tishtati.

 Word by meaning:-

sarvatah   pani-padam  = hands  and  legs  everywhere;

sarvatah  akshi-sirah-mukham  =  and  eyes,  heads,  faces  ( mouths),  everywhere;

sarvatah  srutimat  tat  =  ears  everywhere,  withh  all  these  (  as  mentioned  above  two  lines ),  the  'Brahmam';

loke  sarvam  avrtya  =  covering  everywhere  in  the  world  ( spread  in  all  things,  all  over  the  world );

tishtati  =  exists.

SUM :-(Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Paramatma exists.)


As the sun exists diffusing its unlimited rays, so does the Parmatma or Brahmam or Super Soul   or Supreme Personality of Godhead. He exists in His all-pervading form, and in Him exist all the individual living entities, beginning from the first great teacher, Brahmam, down to the small ants. There are unlimited heads, legs, hands and eyes, and unlimited living entities.

All are existing in and on the Paramatma. Therefore the Brahmam is all-pervading. The individual soul, however, cannot say that he has his hands, legs and eyes everywhere. That is not possible.

If he thinks that although under ignorance he is not conscious that his hands and legs are diffused all over, but when he attains to proper knowledge he will come to that stage, his thinking is contradictory.

To be continued ...


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