Gita : Ch-13. Slo-8 to 12. Slokams and combined - Discussion-8.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-13.(  ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )
Slokam-s. 8 to 12.


amanitvamadambhitvam  ahimsa  kshantirarjavam,

acaryopasanam  saucam   sthairyamatmavinigrahah.

amanitvam  =  humility;

adambhitvam  =  pridelessness;

ahimsa  =  nonviolence;

kshantih  =  tolerance;

arjavam  =  simplicity;

acarya-upasanam  =  approaching a bona fide spiritual master;

saucam  =  cleanliness;

sthairyam  =  steadfastness;

atma-vinigrahah  =  control;


indriyartheshu  vairagyam   anahankara  eva  ca,


indriya-artheshu  =  in the matter of the senses;

vairagyam  =  enunciation;

anahankarah  =  being without false egoism;

eva  =  certainly;

ca  =  also;

janma  =  birth;

mrtyu  =  death;

jara  =  old age;

vyadhi  =  disease;

duhkha  =  distress;

dosha  =  fault;

anudarsanam  =  observing;


asaktiranabhishvangah  putradaragrahadishu,

nityam ca  sama-cittatvam  ishtanishtopapattishu.

 asaktih  =  without attachment;

anabhishvangah  =  without association;

putra  =  son;

dara  =  wife;

graha-adishu  =  home, etc.;

nityam ca  =  also;

sama-cittatvam  =  equilibrium;

ishta  =  desirable;

anishtah  =  undesirable;

upapattishu  =  having obtained;


mayi cananyayogena  bhaktiravyabhicarini,

viviktadesasevitvam  aratirjanasamsadi.

mayi  =  unto Me;

ca  =  also;

ananya-yogena  =  by devotional service;

bhaktih  =  devotion;

avyabhicarini  =  constant, unalloyed;

vivikta  =  solitary;

desa  =  place;

sevitvam  =  aspiring;

aratih  =  without attachment;

 jana  =  people in general;

samsadi  =  mass;


adhyatmajnananityatvah  tattvajnanarthadarsanam,

etat  jnanamiti  proktam  ajnanam  yadatonyatha.

adhyatma  =  pertaining to the self;

jnana  =  knowledge;

nityatvam  =  eternity;

tattva-jnana  =  knowledge of the truth;

artha  =  the object;

darsanam  =  philosophy;

etat  =  all this;

jnanam  =  knowledge;

iti  =  thus;

proktam  =  declared;

ajnanam  =  ignorance;

yat  =  that which;

atah  =  from this;

anyatha  =  others.

Discussion - 8. 20 virtues :


 Acquiring a dispassion of disinterest in the sights and sounds of this world and even for the lure of delights in the heavenly planets.
Absence identifying the body with soul and lack of false ego with concepts of I- ness and my-ness; or believing one is superior in some way arising from any transitory material conception such as believing one special because one comes from a noble and distinguished lineage.
Without spiritual development these conceptions have no value.


Reflecting continuously on the suffering and misery of material existence which is unavoidable because inherent in birth is the inevitable old age, disease and death and the perpetuity of this life after life.
The Chandogya Upanisad VIII.XII.I beginning maghavanmartyam va idam states: Verily every jiva or embodied being is subject to pleasure and pain.
Verily there is no exemption from pleasure and pain for any being while they are embodied. Verily when one is not incorporeal in a physical body pleasure and pain are not experienced.
Avoidance of overly attachment to wife, sons and family members as well as wealth, home and property.
Not agitated or unperturbed by lifes reversals, equipoise in favourable and unfavourable circumstances.

To be continued ...


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