Gita : Ch-13. Slo-8 to 12. Slokams and combined - Discussion-5.


Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-13.(  ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )

Slokam-s. 8 to 12.


amanitvamadambhitvam  ahimsa  kshantirarjavam,

acaryopasanam  saucam   sthairyamatmavinigrahah.

amanitvam  =  humility;

adambhitvam  =  pridelessness;

ahimsa  =  nonviolence;

kshantih  =  tolerance;

arjavam  =  simplicity;

acarya-upasanam  =  approaching a bona fide spiritual master;

saucam  =  cleanliness;

sthairyam  =  steadfastness;

atma-vinigrahah  =  control;


indriyartheshu  vairagyam   anahankara  eva  ca,


indriya-artheshu  =  in the matter of the senses;

vairagyam  =  enunciation;

anahankarah  =  being without false egoism;

eva  =  certainly;

ca  =  also;

janma  =  birth;

mrtyu  =  death;

jara  =  old age;

vyadhi  =  disease;

duhkha  =  distress;

dosha  =  fault;

anudarsanam  =  observing;


asaktiranabhishvangah  putradaragrahadishu,

nityam ca  sama-cittatvam  ishtanishtopapattishu.

 asaktih  =  without attachment;

anabhishvangah  =  without association;

putra  =  son;

dara  =  wife;

graha-adishu  =  home, etc.;

nityam ca  =  also;

sama-cittatvam  =  equilibrium;

ishta  =  desirable;

anishtah  =  undesirable;

upapattishu  =  having obtained;


mayi cananyayogena  bhaktiravyabhicarini,

viviktadesasevitvam  aratirjanasamsadi.

mayi  =  unto Me;

ca  =  also;

ananya-yogena  =  by devotional service;

bhaktih  =  devotion;

avyabhicarini  =  constant, unalloyed;

vivikta  =  solitary;

desa  =  place;

sevitvam  =  aspiring;

aratih  =  without attachment;

 jana  =  people in general;

samsadi  =  mass;


adhyatmajnananityatvah  tattvajnanarthadarsanam,

etat  jnanamiti  proktam  ajnanam  yadatonyatha.

adhyatma  =  pertaining to the self;

jnana  =  knowledge;

nityatvam  =  eternity;

tattva-jnana  =  knowledge of the truth;

artha  =  the object;

darsanam  =  philosophy;

etat  =  all this;

jnanam  =  knowledge;

iti  =  thus;

proktam  =  declared;

ajnanam  =  ignorance;

yat  =  that which;

atah  =  from this;

anyatha  =  others.

Discussion-5. Qualities and Attributes :

The compound words avyabhicarini bhakti means unwavering, unalloyed loving devotion to the Supreme Lord Krishna and realising the atma in all living beings, vivekta- desa-sevitam is fondness for performing austerities in solitary places, aratir jana-samsadt means indifference to mundane topics and mundane association.

The words adhyatma-jnana nityatvam means always interested in spiritual knowledge and self-realisation and atma-tattva or knowledge of the immortal soul within.

Continuously reflecting, contemplating and engaging one's total being in understanding the purpose and goal of human existence by comprehending the precise significance of various verses and conceptions in the Vedic scriptures to learn and realise the ultimate truth and upon achieving moksha or liberation from material existence to further attain the ultimate consciousness and eternal association with the Supreme Lord which is the highest apex of all existence.

To be continued ...


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