Gita : Ch-13. Slo-8 to 12. Slokams and combined discussions-1.


Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-13.(  ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )

Slokam-s. 8 to 12.


amanitvamadambhitvam  ahimsa  kshantirarjavam,

acaryopasanam  saucam   sthairyamatmavinigrahah.

amanitvam  =  humility;

adambhitvam  =  pridelessness;

ahimsa  =  nonviolence;

kshantih  =  tolerance;

arjavam  =  simplicity;

acarya-upasanam  =  approaching a bona fide spiritual master;

saucam  =  cleanliness;

sthairyam  =  steadfastness;

atma-vinigrahah  =  control;


indriyartheshu  vairagyam   anahankara  eva  ca,


indriya-artheshu  =  in the matter of the senses;

vairagyam  =  enunciation;

anahankarah  =  being without false egoism;

eva  =  certainly;

ca  =  also;

janma  =  birth;

mrtyu  =  death;

jara  =  old age;

vyadhi  =  disease;

duhkha  =  distress;

dosha  =  fault;

anudarsanam  =  observing;


asaktiranabhishvangah  putradaragrahadishu,

nityam ca  sama-cittatvam  ishtanishtopapattishu.

 asaktih  =  without attachment;

anabhishvangah  =  without association;

putra  =  son;

dara  =  wife;

graha-adishu  =  home, etc.;

nityam ca  =  also;

sama-cittatvam  =  equilibrium;

ishta  =  desirable;

anishtah  =  undesirable;

upapattishu  =  having obtained;


mayi cananyayogena  bhaktiravyabhicarini,

viviktadesasevitvam  aratirjanasamsadi.

mayi  =  unto Me;

ca  =  also;

ananya-yogena  =  by devotional service;

bhaktih  =  devotion;

avyabhicarini  =  constant, unalloyed;

vivikta  =  solitary;

desa  =  place;

sevitvam  =  aspiring;

aratih  =  without attachment;

 jana  =  people in general;

samsadi  =  mass;


adhyatmajnananityatvah  tattvajnanarthadarsanam,

etat  jnanamiti  proktam  ajnanam  yadatonyatha.

adhyatma  =  pertaining to the self;

jnana  =  knowledge;

nityatvam  =  eternity;

tattva-jnana  =  knowledge of the truth;

artha  =  the object;

darsanam  =  philosophy;

etat  =  all this;

jnanam  =  knowledge;

iti  =  thus;

proktam  =  declared;

ajnanam  =  ignorance;

yat  =  that which;

atah  =  from this;

anyatha  =  others.

Discussion-1. What is Knowledge and Ignorance ?






6.approaching a bonafide spiritual master,


8.steadiness and self-control;

9.renunciation of the objects of sense gratification,

10.absence of false ego,

11.the perception of the evil of birth, death,

12.old age and disease;

13.non-attachment to children, wife, home and the rest,

14.and even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events;

15.constant and unalloyed devotion to Me,

16.resorting to solitary places,

17.detachment from the general mass of people;

18.accepting the importance of self-realization,

19.and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth-

20.all these I thus declare to be knowledge,

21.and what is contrary to these is ignorance.

To be continued ..


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