Gita : Ch-13. Slo-5. Discussion-4.

Monday, Oct 31, 2016.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-13. (Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam)

Slokam-5. ( That knowledge of the field of activities and of the knower of activities is described by various sages in various Vedic writings-especially in the Vedānta-sūtra-and is presented with all reasoning as to cause and effect. )

rshibhirbahudha  gitam  chandobhir  vividhaih  prthak,

brahmasutrapadaiscaiva  hetumadbhir  viniscitaih.

 rshibhih  bahudha  =  by  Rishi-s  in  many  ways;

vividhaih  chandobhih  =  many  different  Vedic mantra-s ( hymens );

hetumadbhih  viniscitaih  =  with cause and effect  and  ascertain ( certain  and  sure );

brahma-sutrapadais  eva  ca  =   the  vedantam  and  aphorism  too;

( etat)  prthak  gitam  =  variously  described  ( this  specially  reflected ).


Categorically as well the distinct characteristics by which the ksetra and ksetrajna exist and their manifestation by the brahman or spiritual substratum pervading all existence is revealed in many places in the Rig Veda and the Atharva Veda.

Also the Vedanta Sutra verses reveal in its sublimely concise aphorisms the nature of the brahman and its relationship with the Supreme Lord. It is also called the Sariraka Sutras because of its conclusive authoritative judgement on these esoteric topics.

For example in Vedanta Sutra II.III.I beginning no viyadasruteh meaning : -

The akasha or space is eternal because there is no Vedic evidence contrary to this and thus all decisions regarding the nature of the ksetra are formulated also in this way.

Another example is seen in II.III.XVIII beginning utcrantigatyagatinam meaning : -

The jiva or embodied soul is infinitesimal because the Vedic scriptures state that it goes out of an old body and returns to a new body.

The atma or eternal soul is superlatively conscious and such a reality formulates decisions regarding the ksetrajna.

But in verse II.III.XXXX beginning kritaprayatnapekshastu vihita pratisiddha meaning : -

The Supreme Lord impels all jivas to act in accordance with the nature and tendency of their own self enacted previous actions and effects.

Everything is under the complete control and total dominion of the Supreme Lord but He does not interfere with the freewill of the jiva although He is certainly the supreme soul of living entities.

So the evidence of the ksetra and ksetrajna have been copiously expounded in various Vedic scriptures in numerous ways but now Lord Krishna will describe the same in a lucid and concise manner.

To be continued  ...


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