Gita : Ch-13. Slo-5. Discussion-2.

Wednesday, Oct 19, 2016.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-13. (Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam)

Slokam-5. ( That knowledge of the field of activities and of the knower of activities is described by various sages in various Vedic writings-especially in the Vedānta-sūtra-and is presented with all reasoning as to cause and effect. )

rshibhirbahudha  gitam  chandobhir  vividhaih  prthak,

brahmasutrapadaiscaiva  hetumadbhir  viniscitaih.

 rshibhih  bahudha  =  by  Rishi-s  in  many  ways;

vividhaih  chandobhih  =  many  different  Vedic mantra-s ( hymens );

hetumadbhih  viniscitaih  =  with cause and effect  and  ascertain ( certain  and  sure );

brahma-sutrapadais  eva  ca  =   the  vedantam  and  aphorism  too;

( etat)  prthak  gitam  =  variously  described  ( this  specially  reflected ).


Similarly the Visnu Purana II.XIII.IXC beginning pindah prithag meaning :-

The physical body characterised by face, head, hands and body is different from the embodied being then to which of these can one refer to as I or me.

Again in II.XII.CII beginning kim tvam etat chirah meaning :-

Art thou thy head, or thy chest, or thy stomach or thy foot and the like O king or are thou thine?

And in II:XII.CIII beginning samast avayavebhyam meaning :-

Distinct art thou O king from all thy bodily parts and being clever determine who is the I.

Both these examples postulate that matter the physical body and the spirit soul are distinctly different from each other.

Vasudeva meaning the Supreme Lord Krishna is eulogised in innumerable Vedic scriptures In the Visnu Sahasra verse CXXXVII beginning indiyani mano meaning :-

The senses, the manas, buddhi, ego, health, strength and spirit are all ensouled by Vasudeva, both the ksetra and ksetrajna.

Next : Discussion-3.
To be continued  ....


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