Gita : Ch-10.Introduction-1.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-10. ( Vibhuti-yogam )

Introduction :- Part-1.

Vibhuti : meaning - Prosperous, Strong, Huge, Whole ( combined all divine ).

Though looking on the headings of the chapters, they seemed different, but they are all inter connected in "Tattvam-s". The most important are 6th and 7th slokam-s of chapter-7. After explaining "HIS" two prakruti-s viz.; "PARA & APARA", Lord says :  "I am the cause for the creation of all world-s,  and equally to their layanam too, they are all, just like pearls in a "thread ( in me )".

This way 'Omni-potent, Omni-present, "Paramatma" Lord Sri Krishna,  though,  is the source for all names and forms , needs to inform Arjuna : about His place in the Prapancha-Vastu-s.

Lord is the essence / tattvam of this diverse prapancham i.e; " Paramatma". Hence, Lord narrates Himself as the main component of all living things, and the Supreme property, which enables each species exist as what it is.

Arjuna is fully involved in Lord's narration of His Vibuti-s, and Lord too is happy to see Arjuna's curiosity on the subject.

Arjuna's question ( slokam-17. )    :- "Keshu  keshu   ca   bhaveshu   cintiyasi   bhagavanmaya" ( In daily day to day life amidst the life's transactions , how to l know Lord, in which bhavas and how to achieve those bhavas? Otherwise : How should I meditate on You? In what various forms are You to be contemplated, O Blessed Lord?). Lord thereafter, gives answers and they are remaining part of this chapter "Vibhuti-yogam".

This chapter ends in pointing out to Arjuna, that it is very difficult show the "ATMA"  which is different from jaddam, but it is present in all vastu-s and living-things . Lord asks Arjuna " Knowing these diversity, what is the use to you? This whole jagat is one of my part. (An engineer by showing all electric equipment, cannot teach about electricity).

Lord displays in diverse forms.......

To be continued  ...


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