Gita : Ch-10. Introduction-2.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-10. ( Vibhuti-yogam )

Introduction part-2.

The jeeva which is with limits and apurnan ( incomplete ), is the 'Atma' which is functioning with the help of tools mano, bhuddhi ( mind and intelligence ) of the "Vyashti" ( Vyakti or individual ).

The same 'Atma' when manifest through the mano, bhuddhi, of "Samashti" ( world or samooham or society ), becomes beyond limits ( limitless ) and Purnam ( Complete ), and this is called "Eswaran" Or "Paramatma".

If one grasps these "Vyashti-bhavam"and "Samashti-bhavam "of "Atma" correctly, it is very easy to understand the "Tattvam" ( Essence ) of chapters 10 and 11 of Srimad Bhagavadgeeta.

Here is an example to understand "Eswara-Tattvam" in Vedantham :-

If one follow the how the Democracy functions, it is simple to understand. In a Democracy, a candidate is elected as per his getting majority of votes. This way the elected person becomes the representation of the majority of people, and their interests, we can say so...

Why because, the individual, elected, becomes one of any party, supposed to act honestly, sincerely, legally, according to the interests and welfare of his voters.

This way, though the Government forms, starting from the "Vyakti and the constitution of the centre" , once formed, the rulers , naturally becomes more powerful than the ruled.


Now to the TRUTH :-

I am the "Paramatma "  because of my merging with the mano, bhuddhi bhava-s, as 'Vyashti' , becomes bonded jivan". But when, merde with mano, bhuddhi of "Samshti", becomes the "Brapma-Vishnu-Maheswara"-bhava-s, thereafter to Omni-Potent, Omni- Present  "Eswaran".

Another example to understand  "Eswara-Siddhantham":-

Each seeker knows that the colour of the world changes according to our mano-bhavam.

When we are happy the whole world becomes sweet, and beautiful.

Then once our mano-bhavam changes, ( sad ) the same world becomes worst, hateful, sorrowful to us.

Secondly when we are in deep sleep ( No-Mind-state ) when each and every mano-bhuddhi is not active, the joyful or sorrowful world completely dis-appears.

Summing up all these, and if we look, one thing is clear, that, "As the Mind and So the World ", and "when there is no mind there is no world too".

Each of us creating our own  world with our own mind, hence according to "Tattva-Sastram",

This Srushti-Prapancham, is the creation of the Samashti-Mind.

In this 'Samashti-Mind'( in the Eswaran),

1.  Plant-Kingdom's -"Undeveloped-Mind",

2.  Animal-Kingdom's - "Semi-developed-Mind",

3.  Human-Beings- "Fully-Developed-Mind, are included.

If one understand this logic, you welcome the "Eswara-Siddhantham", of Vedantham.

This Vedantham is very very Vast and it proves the presence of Eswaran,

and great importance is given to this glorification of the term "Sarva-loka- Maheswaran".

Arjuna who is concentrating and sincerely following the "Gitopadesam" ( teachings of Gita ), now is almost immersed in, and forgot himself, this is the preparation for the enlightenment, without this development,  for Arjuna, the "Visva-rupa-dharsanam " not possible, ( in the next chapter-11.)

To be continued  ....


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