Gita : Ch-1. Slo-41.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-1. ( Arjuna-vishada-yogam )

Slokam-41.( When there is increase of unwanted population, a hellish situation is created both for the family and for those who destroy the family tradition. In such corrupt families, there is no offering of oblations of food and water to the ancestors.)

Adharmabhibhavat       krishna        pradushyanti      kula-striyah,

Strishu     dushtasu      varshneya       jayate       varna-sankarah.

Krishna     adharmabhibhavat      =     Hey     Krishna!    affected      by     adharmam;

Kula-striyah     pradushyanti     =     Women     in    families     completely spoiled    by    evil;

Varshneya    =     O    descendant    of     Vrishni ( from    Vrishni kulam ),  Hey   Krishna;

Strishu     dushtasu     =   ( When )      Women     spoiled      by    evil (  womanhood   being so polluted  );

Varna-sankarah       jayate     =    It    so    becomes      unwanted     progeny.   (   as men and women become 

characterless, which   may result in the mix of  varna-s ).    

With the prominence of this lack of responsibility, o Krishna, the women of the family will become spoiled and from that corruption of womanhood there will be a confusion of identity in society. 

When "Adharmam" is prominent in the family, O Krishna, the women of the family become corrupt, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Vrishni, comes unwanted progeny.

Good population in human society is the basic principle for peace, prosperity and spiritual progress in life. 

The varnasrama : "Dharma's"  principles,  were so designed that the good population would prevail in society for the general spiritual progress of state and community. 

Such population depends on the chastity and faithfulness of its womanhood. 

As children are very prone to be misled, women are similarly very prone to degradation. 

Therefore, both children and women require protection by the elder members of the family. 

By being engaged in various religious practices, women will not be misled into adultery. 

According to Chanakya Pandit, women are generally not very intelligent and therefore not trustworthy. 

So, the different family traditions of religious activities should always engage them, and thus their chastity and devotion will give birth to a good population eligible for participating in the varnasrama system. 

On the failure of such varnasrama-dharma, naturally the women become free to act and mix with men, and thus adultery is indulged in at the risk of unwanted population. Irresponsible men also provoke adultery in society, and thus unwanted children flood the human race at the risk of war and pestilence.

When adharma or unrighteousness controls the decorum of a dynasty, the females in the family unavoidably become unchaste and their wombs subsequently become contaminated. 

Because their husbands have violated the injunctions of the scriptures and engaged themselves in committing sinful activities by the destruction of the dynasty, the females of the family without proper guidance and adequate protection will become depraved and wanton disregarding the etiquette of morality and decorum and thus degenerating the females of the family will soon become degraded.

Deliberating further Arjuna determines that when unrighteousness becomes predominant in the family due to the loss of the father who insures the continuation of the family customs and the propagation of the Vedic tradition, the females of the family become easily accessible and are placed in conditions of compromise. 

From this polluted and degraded position arises undesirable progeny. The purpose of Arjuna addressing Lord Krishna by the vocative Varshneya is to remind Him that He took birth in the exalted royal Vrshni dynasty and as such should be fully aware of all these things. 

When there is a resultant intermixture of castes due to the destruction of the family structure; those who are responsible are damned to hell; but not only these ruinous family members. Their forefathers are also sent to hell as well due to the cessation of the ritual offerings of food and water that are no longer given due to the fact that there no longer exist any male descendants to perform such rites. 

In regard to the result of undesirable progeny. The intermixture of castes that follow the family customs and honor the age-old Vedic traditions with those that do not causes a degradation in society and leads the family to a hellish existence. Not only this but the anscestors of such a family also suffer as well because there is no descendant qualified to perform the propitiatory rites prescribed in Vedic scriptures such as sraddha and tarpana. . Being deprived of these oblations due to the absence of qualified progeny as a result of destruction of the family structure the ancestors fall down from heaven and go directly to the hellish planets. 

When this happens there is an intermingling of castes and the ancestors of these destroyers of the family fall from heaven as they are deprived of their periodic ritual offerings of food and water.

To be continued.


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