
Showing posts from November, 2024

BHAGAVAD GEETA: 96 - Swami Advayananda.

======================================================================================== BHAGAVAD GEETA Chapter - 2 Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas) “Yoga of the SUPREME SELF” Sri Veda Vyasaji ====================================================================================== Sunday 01, December 2024, 10:00. Discourse 2 | Yoga of the Supreme Self   2.13   THE SADHANA FOR PERFECTION  (Slogas - 68-72, 5 No.)  Slogam- 72: The Final Prize – A “Peaceful” Mind  Post - 96. ======================================================================================= Slogam - 72: PEACE – Passport to the Brahmic State:   1  Eshaa braahmee sthitih, Paartha = This is the Brahmic State, O Son of Pritha.  2  na enaam praapya vimuhyati; = Attaining this, none is deluded. 3  sthitvaa asyaam antakaale api = Established therein, even at the end of life,  4  brahma-nirvaana mricchhati. = one attains to Oneness with Brahman.  ===========...

The Bhagavadgita in a Nutshell: 2. Swami Krishnananda

Swami Chinmayananda: November 27 at 4:41PM ·  A devotee asked Gurudev that she been disappointed in her life by everyone on whom she has poured love on. Swipe to read the response from the master himself. ================================================================================= Saturday 30, November 2024, 06:30. Article Scriptures The Bhagavadgita in a Nutshell: 2. Swami Krishnananda. (Spoken on November 3rd, 1973.) ================================================================================ The answer of Bhagavan Sri Krishna to this question is that motive behind the action is very important. It is the motive determines the worth, value and consequence of an action. The intention behind a deed is very important, and the deed itself is not all. But that is not the whole truth about the matter. We cannot simply have an intention and be rid of all activity. The difficulty with us is that inaction is impossible for the embodied being. Our body, our personality, our individ...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-2.71 Swami Mukundananda.

=============================================================================================== Thursday 28, November 2024. 06:50. Srimad Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2: Sankhya Yogam:71. The Yogam of Analytical Knowledge Swami Mukundananda. =============================================================================================== Slogam-71: "Vihaya kaman yah sarvan pumansh charati nihsprihah nirmamo nirahankarah sa shantim adhigachchhati." ===================================================================================== vihaya—giving up.  kaman—material desires.  yah—who.  sarvan—all.  puman—a person;  charati—lives.  nihsprihah—free from hankering.  nirmamah—without a sense of proprietorship.  nirahankarah—without ego.  sah—that person;  shantim—perfect peace.  adhigachchhati—attains. ======================================================================================= Translation: BG 2.71:  "That person, who gives up al...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita : 58 - Swami Krishnananda.

==================================================================================== Wednesday 27, November 2024, 06:10. A Study of the Bhagavadgita: Chapter 9: The Yoga of Meditation - 8. Swami Krishnananda Post-58. =================================================================================== In the earlier stages, it is very hard to even carry on this concept of concentration. Have a concrete picture of God before you. There are people who keep a picture of   Lord Krishna, Devi or Durga, Narayana, Vishnu, or Siva. There are people who meditate on the Cosmic Being as represented in these forms because there is no way to adjust the mind to a total abstraction in the beginning itself. Hence, there is a portrait of this Great Master. Here is the Great Being portrayed in a particular form as an incarnation at least, though not in that Absolute form. That incarnation is the pathway for you to enter into that which is above the incarnation. You will find it difficult even to ...

BHAGAVAD GEETA: 95 - Swami Advayananda.

======================================================================================== BHAGAVAD GEETA Chapter - 2 Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas) “Yoga of the SUPREME SELF” Sri Veda Vyasaji ====================================================================================== Tuesday 26, November 2024, 06:40. Discourse 2 | Yoga of the Supreme Self   2.13   THE SADHANA FOR PERFECTION  (Slogas - 68-72, 5 No.)  Slogam- 71: The Final Prize – A “Peaceful” Mind  Post - 95. ======================================================================================= Slogam- 71: The Final Prize – A “Peaceful” Mind:  1  Vihaaya kaamaan yah sarvaan = He who abandons all desires,  2  pumaan charati nisprihah; = and moves about without any longing  3  nirmamah nirahamkaarah = devoid of ‘mine’-ness, and ‘I’-ness (ego),  4  sah shaantim adhigacchhati. = he attains the Supreme Peace.  ================================================...

The Bhagavadgita in a Nutshell: 2. Swami Krishnananda

================================================================================= Sunday 24, November 2024, 06:45. Article Scriptures The Bhagavadgita in a Nutshell: 2. Swami Krishnananda. (Spoken on November 3rd, 1973.) ================================================================================== “If understanding is superior, well, I will understand and keep quiet. Why do you want me to work? And if work is all that is essential, why comes understanding?” This quandary, this doubt which was in the mind of Arjuna, is in the mind of every one of us. This is the great war between knowledge and action, jnana and karma, as it is usually put. Everywhere this war goes on, and even now it is not ending. Some say jnana is supreme, some say karma is supreme, some say knowledge is needed for moksha, others say work is also necessary, and some say neither of them is sufficient and both have to be combined. There are so many confusions. The answer Bhagavan Sri Krishna gives to this question ...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-2.71 Swami Mukundananda.

  ==================================================================================== Saturday 23, November 2024. 06:15. Srimad Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2: Sankhya Yogam:71. The Yogam of Analytical Knowledge Swami Mukundananda. ===================================================================================== Slogam - 71: "Vihaya kaman yah sarvan pumansh charati nihsprihah nirmamo nirahankarah sa shantim adhigachchhati." ======================================================================================== vihaya—giving up;  kaman—material desires;  yah—who;  sarvan—all;  puman—a person;  charati—lives;  nishprihah—free from hankering;  nirmamah—without a sense of proprietorship;  nirahankarah—without ego;  sah—that person;  shantim—perfect peace;  adhigachchhati—attains ======================================================================================= Translation: BG 2.71:  "That person, who gives up all material...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita : 58 - Swami Krishnananda.

==================================================================================== Friday 22, November 2024, 06:20. A Study of the Bhagavadgita: Chapter 9: The Yoga of Meditation - 8. Swami Krishnananda Post-58. =================================================================================== In the earlier stages, it is very hard to even carry on this concept of concentration. Have a concrete picture of God before you. There are people who keep a picture of Christ, Mohammed, Lord Krishna, Devi or Durga, Narayana, Vishnu, or Siva. There are people who meditate on the Cosmic Being as represented in these forms because there is no way to adjust the mind to a total abstraction in the beginning itself. Hence, there is a portrait of this Great Master. Here is the Great Being portrayed in a particular form as an incarnation at least, though not in that Absolute form. That incarnation is the pathway for you to enter into that which is above the incarnation. You will find it difficult even...