Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-2.61: Swami Mukundananda.

Swami Chinmayananda  

How to forgive and move on?


Thursday 12, September 2024. 06:30.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita:
Chapter 2: Sankhya Yogam:61.
The Yogam of Analytical Knowledge
Swami Mukundananda.


Slogam - 61:

"Tani sarvani sanyamya yukta asita mat-parah

vashe hi yasyendriyani tasya prajna pratishthita."







mat-parah—toward me (Shree Krishna); 






prajaā—perfect knowledge; 

pratishthita—is fixed;



BG 2.61: 

"They are established in perfect knowledge, who subdue their senses and keep their minds ever absorbed in Me."



In this slogam, the word yuktah (united) indicates “absorption in devotion,” and mat parah means “toward Lord Krishna.” 

The word asita (seated) may be understood figuratively here to mean “situated or established.” 

Having said that the impetuous mind and senses need to be tamed, Shree Krishna now reveals the proper engagement for them, which is absorption in devotion to God. The example of King Ambarish in Shrimad Bhagavatam illustrates this process this very beautifully:

“Ambarish engaged his mind in remembering the lotus feet of Shree Krishna. He engaged his tongue in chanting the wonderful names, forms, virtues, and pastimes of God. He used his ears in hearing narrations about the Lord, his eyes in seeing the beautiful deity of God in the temple, his sense of touch in massaging the feet of devotees of the Lord, his nostrils in smelling the aroma from fragrant objects that had been offered to the Lord in worship, his feet in circumambulating the temple, and his head in paying obeisance to God and His devotees. In this way, he subdued all his senses by engaging them in the service of the Supreme Lord.”





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