A Study of the Bhagavadgita : 32 - Swami Krishnananda.


Tuesday 28, May 2024 07:00.
Chapter 7: The Entry of the Absolute into the Relative -2.


But there is something else in you that you miss in ordinary sense perception. The love that you feel for anything in the world is a call that comes from that which is between you and the other thing – the adhidaiva prapancha. Again I bring that point to you. There is an adhyatma, adhibhuta and adhidaiva. The thing that you love is adhibhuta. The persons, the society, or whatever you call it is the adhibhuta, as it were, but only as it were – not really – because your connection with the adhibhuta prapancha, the world as a whole, nature, society, whatever it is, is invalidated immediately if the adhidaiva is not there connecting you and transcending you both. The adhidaiva transcends you as well as the object outside. That inclusive personality of a transcendent consciousness, adhidaiva, is the reason why you are impelled to have any interest in things in this world. That is why you feel like doing some work. The adhidaiva compels you because it is in that which you want to work for, and in you also, which is the cause of the impulsion. 

This is a big philosophical cosmic significance that is involved in this little injunction of Prajapati: 

Now, the Third Chapter of the Bhagavadgita is long, and I am briefly mentioning the essence of it: that you have to live in this world like a Super-man, but a Super-man in the sense that you are motivated by the consciousness of the adhidaiva only. You are a transcendent person always; you are not one in the multitude. A person who is rooted in the adhidaiva consciousness does not belong to himself. You are not yourself. You are not another. What are you, then? The Super-man's character is a transcendent element which intervenes in between the so-called yourself and the other thing, which apparently conditions you as society.

A Super-man is not a man in the ordinary sense. He is not a human being at all. You should not call him a man. 'Super-person', or some such thing with a capital, may be the designation applied to this principle of self-transcendence, for want of better words in language. A Super-person is not a person, because that person has risen above himself in the consciousness of that which is between himself and the other, so that he is ranging in the world as a master, and not as a slave or a servant.

When you become a Super-person, you do not belong to yourself. You have already sacrificed your personality for the sake of that thing which is above you, and you have sacrificed yourself for the other thing also; both you and the other thing are transcended by this interconnection, namely, the adhidaiva.

The whole world runs, therefore, by the operation of God. It is not working because of its own self. Neither nature nor society nor yourself are independent individuals. Nothing works independent of that universal interconnecting link, which is God operating through all His media of interconnection.






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