
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita : 12.2. - Swami Krishnananda.

=============================================================== Friday, 01 Sep 2023 07:00.   Chapter 12: God and the Universe - 2.  ================================================================ With this cautious introduction the Teacher of the Bhagavadgita takes us to a picture of the cosmos, which is concisely explained in a few words. The whole universe is constituted of the five elements and certain phases of the universal consciousness, the elements being grosser than the latter—earth, water, fire, air and ether—the mind, intellect, ego. Here the teaching resembles, to a large extent, the cosmological explanation offered by the Samkhya system. We have touched upon this theme earlier on some occasion. The lowest category of reality that we observe is the earth plane, physical matter, solid substance, gross objects, all which can be grouped under the category of the mahabhutas, or the five elements. Anything that is perceptible to the senses is regarded as material. The ...

BHAGAVAD GEETA:Chapter-2-3./Post-24.Swami Advayanandaji.

============================================================== BHAGAVAD GEETA  Chapter - 2 Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas) “Yoga of the SUPREME SELF” Sri Veda Vyasaji ================================================================ Wednesday, 30 Aug 2023. 06:20. Slogam - 4: Arjuna on the Defensive Post - 24. ================================================================ 2.2 ARJUNA ON THE DEFENSIVE (Slogas 4-10, 7 No.) ARJUNA IS NOW GIVEN a second chance to respond – a second “bite at the cherry”.  His words this time round are to be weighed against the initial response of Sri Krishna,  which is not very palatable or sweet to his Ego, but which is precisely the cure needed by his  Soul. Arjuna has just received a hammering to his ego from his friend, Sri Krishna. It was  not sympathetic or complimentary. They were tough blows. It was as if Krishna had said to  him, “I do not expect you to do this. You are bringing disgrace to Me also.” Throughout Chapter 1, Sri ...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - 29 to 31 : Swami Mukundananda.

=============================================================== Tuesday, 29 Aug 2023. 06:45. Chapter -1. Arjuna Vishada Yogam: 29 to 31. ================================================================ Slogas - 29 to 31. "vepathush cha sharire me roma-harshash cha jayate gandivam sramsate hastat tvak chaiva paridahyate na cha shaknomy avasthatum bhramativa cha me manah nimittani cha pashyami viparitani keshava na cha shreyo ’nupashyami hatva sva-janam ahave" ================================================================ vepathush = shuddering;  cha = and;  sharire = on the body;  me = my;  roma-harshash = standing of bodily hair on end;  cha = also;  jayate = is happening;  gandivam = Arjun’s bow;  sramsate = is slipping;  hastat = from (my) hand;  tvak = skin;  cha = and;  eva = indeed;  paridahyate = is burning all over;  na = not;  cha = and;  shaknomi = am able;  avasthatum = remain steady;  ...

The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita : 9.4 - Swami Krishnananda.

  ==================================================================== Monday, 28 Aug 2023 07:20. Chapter 9: The Majesty of God-Consciousness-.4. ==================================================================== There is immediate action following from deep meditation on God – 'immediate' is the word. Timeless is God's existence, and timeless, therefore, is God's action in His operation. Timeless is He because He is also spaceless. Hence, the grace of God is a non-spatial and non-temporal gift. Inasmuch as it is non-temporal, it is instantaneous – just here and now. There is not the time-gap of even a second, because there is no time in God. So when the soul, the seeker, the yogin, the aspirant, the devotee timelessly, spacelessly unites itself with this timeless, spaceless Being, there is a timeless and spaceless consequence that follows. There is an immediate fulfilment of all that is essential; there is a flood of all that one needs. This verse has been understood...

The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita : 12.1 - Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================  Sunday, 27 Aug 2023 07:30.  Chapter 12: God and the Universe - 1.  =========================================================================  By the time we reach the Seventh Chapter of the Bhagavadgita we are touching a new realm of being, and the whole perspective that was presented before us in the course of the earlier six chapters suddenly changes, as if a curtain has been lifted in the dramatic portrayal of the Gospel. There is an introduction of the soul of the seeker to the empyrean of the Creator, a subject which has not been adequately touched upon during the earlier course of the studies.  There has been a particular emphasis laid in the first six chapters upon the individual, the duty of the person, the integration of the psychophysical complex. There has been an admonition in the earlier chapters to the individual, or man as such, in his capacity as a soul which aspires for th...

BHAGAVAD GEETA:Chapter-2-3./Post-23.Swami Advayanandaji.

==================================================================== BHAGAVAD GEETA   Chapter - 2 Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas) “Yoga of the SUPREME SELF” Sri Veda Vyasaji ==================================================================== Friday, 25 Aug 2023. 06:20. Slogam - 3: “Yield Not to Impotence Post - 23. ==================================================================== Slogam - 3: “Yield Not to Impotence 1 Klaibyam maa sma gamah, Paartha, = Yield not to impotence, O Partha! 2 na etat tvayi upapadyate; = It does not befit thee. 3 kshudram hridaya-daurbalyam = This mean weakness of heart – 4 tyaktvaa uttishtha, Parantapa. = cast it off! Stand up, O scorcher of foes! ==================================================================== Krishna and Arjuna were of the same age, and they were close friends. This may help us to understand Sri Krishna’s frankness. In the fewest of words, Krishna tells Arjuna what he expects of him in these circumstances. The Lord’s words are direct...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - 28 : Swami Mukundananda.

============================================================= Thursday, 24 Aug 2023. 06:45. Chapter -1. Arjuna Vishada Yogam: 28 ============================================================= Slogam-28. Arjuna uvacha "Drishtvemam sva-janam krishna yuyutsum samupasthitam sidanti mama gatrani mukham cha parishushyati." ======================================================== arjunah uvacha = Arjun said;  drishtva = on seeing;  imam = these;  sva-janam = kinsmen;  krishna = Krishna;  yuyutsum  = eager to fight;  samupasthitam = present;  sidanti = quivering;  mama = my;  gatrani = limbs;  mukham = mouth;  cha = and;  parishushyati = is drying up. ============================================================ Translation BG 1.28:  "Arjun said: O Krishna, seeing my own kinsmen arrayed for battle here and intent on killing each other, my limbs are giving way and my mouth is drying up." =========================================...