Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 35.



Tuesday, August 30. 2022. 06:30. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sannyasa-yogam.

Slokam-35 :

"Yaya   svapnam   bhayam   sokam  vishadham   madhameva   ca,

na   vimuncati   durmedha    dhrtih   sa   partha   tamasi."



Slokam-35. "And that determination which cannot go beyond dreaming, fearfulness, lamentation, moroseness, and illusion-such unintelligent determination is in the tamo gunam" 


Translation -2 :

partha   =  arjuna!

durmedha   yaya     =  unintelligent  by  which  dhriti;

svapnam   bhayam   sokam  =  the  weak  thoughts  of  dream,  fear / dread,  sorrow /grief ;

vishadham   madhameva   ca  =  and  depression / dejection  illusion  too;

na   vimuncati  =  holding  firmly;

sa   dhrtih   tamasi  =  that  dhrti  is  said  to  be  tamasam.


Commentary :

One who exhibits dhriti or determination yet follows dharma or righteousness in a haphazard way sometimes adhering and sometimes opposing is situated in raja guna the mode of passion and one who is so deluded that they are unable to discriminate between what is real and what is unreal, what is appropriate and what is inappropriate and what is beneficial and what is detrimental is situated in tama guna or mode of ignorance.

Fear, lamentation and dejection which are the indication of delusion are the by products. 

Exclusive loving devotion to the Supreme Lord is known as bhakti and is situated exclusively in sattva guna the mode of goodness. 

Because bhakti is transcendental and not mundane it is virtuous and blissful. 

What is recommended by the Vaisnava's, saintly sages and learned elderly as well as what is prescribed in the Vedic scriptures is always considered undeniably to be situated in sattva guna and whatever is done contrary to this is in raja guna and whatever repudiates this in tama guna. 

This is well corroborated in the Bhagavat Purana. 

The Padma Purana states that by the grace of the Supreme Lord one becomes internally elated and such elation becomes luminous.

The word svapnam means slumber inferring slothfulness. 

Madam is the delusion of enjoying sense objects. 

The dharmedah or unintelligent fools do not oppose their mind from allowing their senses to buffet then hither and thither in pursuit of sense gratification. 

They even sanction such treatment to satisfy their desires. 

The terms bhayam or dread, sokam or grief and vishadam or dejection are the by products of this delusion and those who occupy their time and energy and waste their invaluable human life as such Lord Krishna confirms are indispensably situated in tama guna.

The dhrita or determination whereby a jiva or embodied being due to acute lack of intelligence is unable to abandon sleep, fear, grief, dejection and delusion is declared by Lord Krishna as situated in tama guna the mode of ignorance.

Here Lord Krishna explains that dhriti or determination situated in tama guna or mode of ignorance is dominated by evil and wickedness whose discriminatory faculties are focused on demoniac activities prohibited in the Vedic scriptures such as cow killing which they will not abandon on their own volition. 

Due to constant speculation reality for them is a fog of doubts and despondency acerbated by fears and grief and uncertainty

To be continued  ...



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