Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 16.



Saturday, May 21, 2022. 19:30. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sanyasa-yogam -16.



"Tatraivam   sati   kartaram    atmanam   kevalam   tu   yah,

pasyatyakrtabuddhitvat   na   sa   pasyati   durmatih."


TATVAM : Essence

"Therefore one who thinks himself the only doer, not considering the five factors, is certainly not very intelligent and cannot see things as they are."


Translation :

evam   sati  =  as  the  truth  is  this  way;

tatra   yah  =  the  mentioned  causes,  whomsoever;

kevalam    atmanam  =  the  only  witness  the  Atma;

kartaram  pasyati  =  considering  as  the  doer;

durmatih   sah   =   the  foolish;  

akrta-buddhitvat  =    he  not  having  inner  purification  ( due to unintelligence );

na  pasyati   =  does  not  see  the  Truth.


Commentary :

Now Lord Krishna explains that not withstanding the positive merits or negative demerits of actions performed by the mind, speech and body. 

One who is untrained, unrestrained and undeveloped is due to lack of instructions from the Vaisnava spiritual master who teaches the knowledge and import of the Vedic scriptures. 

Such ignorant and misguided fools who ignore the Vaisnava spiritual master who is always in the line of authorised disciple succession from one of the four authorised sampradayas or channels of spiritual knowledge as confirmed in the Padma Purana and Garga Samhita; believe that they alone are the sole cause of their actions and not the five previously mentioned factors. 

Such miscreants are so deluded by this distorted mentality that they are oblivious to the fact that their very existence and everything else existing in creation is irrevocably dependent upon the Supreme Lord.

So because verily the jiva or embodied being is subject to the sanction of paramatma the Supreme Soul, one should never consider themselves as independent nor think of themselves as the doer of anything. 

Lord Krishna states that one who erroneously does so will be durmati one whose intelligence is perverted and deluded and thus bewildered is oblivious that other elements are the essential factors in manifesting all activities.

Here the word kevalam means solely. 

Those who in ignorance are unaware that all actions are enacted collectively by the five previously mentioned causes and erroneously thinks that the individual is the sole performer of any action are merely misguided fools of miniscule intelligence.

So what then is to be concluded? 

Lord Krishna states that the five previously mentioned causes are responsible for all actions and one who due to ignorance from lack of knowledge from the spiritual master regarding the Vedic scriptures and in their folly regard themselves as the perpetrator of action instead of attributing all actions to the supreme absolute reality which is completely spiritual and free from all limiting adjuncts and not subject to material considerations are fools and deluded.

A foolish person cannot understand that the Super soul is sitting as a friend within and conducting his actions. 

Although the material causes are the place, the worker, the endeavor and the senses, the final cause is the Supreme, the Personality of Godhead. 

Therefore, one should see not only the four material causes, but the supreme efficient cause as well. 

One who does not see the Supreme thinks himself to be the instrument.


To be continued ....



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