
Showing posts from May, 2022

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 18.

 ====================================================================== ===================================================================== Tuesday, May 31, 2022. 20:30.  Chapter-18.  Moksha-sanyasa-yogam -18. ======================================================================= Slokam-18 :   "Jnanam   jneyam   parijnata   trividha   karmacodana, karanam   karma   karteti  trividhah   karmasangrahah." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slokam Translation : "Knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knower are the three factors which motivate action; the senses, the work and the doer comprise the threefold basis of action." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation : jnanam   jneyam   parijn...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita :11.8 - Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Monday, May 30, 2022. 20:45. Chapter 11: Beholding God as He Beholds Himself-8. ======================================================================== Arjuna poses a question at the beginning of the Eleventh Chapter. "Wondrous is this teaching, my Lord. You have made me immensely happy when you said mattaḥ parataraṁ nānyat kiṁcid asti (Gita 7.7): 'Nothing outside me can exist.' The absoluteness of God does not permit anything external to Him. Externality delimits God's existence, and He would become a finite person if there were external things. The superiority and absoluteness, the infinitude, the spacelessness and timelessness of God precludes any kind of outsideness in God's existence. This is what I have heard from you. Is it possible to have a vision of this Great Being? Am I blessed to behold this great Universal...

Commentary on the Bhagavadgita : 37- Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Sunday, May 29, 2022. 20:00. Discourse 44:  The Sixteenth Chapter Begins –  Divine and Undivine Qualities : POST-37. ======================================================================= Ᾱśāpāśaśatair baddhāḥ (16.12) means full of desires. They are bound by the cord of endless longing for things which they cannot obtain even if they live for thousands of years. Kāmakrodhaparāyaṇāḥ: They are intent on anger, passion, and desire. Īhante kāmabhogārtham anyāyenārthasañcayān: For the sake of the fulfilment of their own desires and crude longings, they do not mind accumulating wealth by any means whatsoever. The end justifies the means, so they may employ any means, provided they get the treasure of wealth. Anyāyena: They try to accumulate wealth by unjust means—ārthasañcayān. Idam adya mayā labdham (16.13): “See how rich I am. So ...

Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity : 21-4. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Saturday, May 28,  2022. 20:00 Chapter 21.The Two Ways of Yoga -4. ====================================================================== Consciousness is independent of externality. Bahi means ‘outward'.  The mind is nothing but outwardness of consciousness.  We cannot know the actual connection of the mind with the Atman.  The Yoga Vasishtha goes into details of this issue of the structure of the mind in its relation to consciousness which is all pervading, sometimes making out that the mind is nothing but restricted consciousness, restricted in the sense of pointedness in a particular spot in space and time. It gets converted, reflected, distorted, becomes topsy-turvy in its operation when it is pulled out of itself. In a way, we may say, to be more specific, the mind is not something independently working outside co...

THE MAHABHARATAM : 18. - Swami Advayananda

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Friday, May 27, 2022. 21:00. Prelude to the Bhagavad Geeta : Meditation on the Bhagavad Geeta. ===================================================================== 18 Episodes :  ================================================================== Episode 1: How the Writing Began Episode 2: The Story of Bhishma Episode 3: Amba Seeks Revenge on Bhishma Episode 4: The Story of Vidhura Episode 5: The Story of Queen Kunti Episode 6: The Young Princes Grow Up Together  Episode 7: The Development of Karna  Episode 8: The “Wax Palace” Episode 9: The Pandavas Enjoy Some Peace! Episode 10: Draupadi’s Swayamwaram Episode 11: The Pandavas Settle in Indraprastham Episode 12: The “Gambling Match” Episode 13 : The De-Robing of Draupadi  Episode 14: The Twelve Years in Exile  Episode 15: The Thirteenth Year Incognito  Episode...

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 17.

 =============================================================== =============================================================== Thursday, May 26, 2022. 19:30.  Chapter-18.  Moksha-sanyasa-yogam -17. ================================================================ Slokam-17 : "Yasya nahankrito bhavo buddhir yasya na lipyate hatva ‘pi sa imanl lokan na hanti na nibadhyate." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation : yasya—whose;  na ahankṛitaḥ—free from the ego of being the doer; bhavaḥ—nature;  buddhih—intellect;  yasya—whose;  na lipyate—unattached;  hatva—slay;  api—even;  sah—they;  iman—this;  lokan—living beings;  na—neither;  hanti—kill;  na—nor;  nibadhyate—get bound ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BG 18.17: Tattvam of the slokam : "Those who are ...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita :11.7 - Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================================ ================================================================ Wednesday, May 25, 2022. 20:00. Chapter 11: Beholding God as He Beholds Himself-7. =============================================================== In certain instances of the lives of saints, in Maharashtra especially, we have anecdotes of someone suddenly coming in the nick of time and working as a servant boy of the particular saint. The Divine Will itself manifested in the case of Eknath or Namdev in the form of a little working boy called Sri Kandiya. All the miracles of this world are the workings of God only. If you have the blessing of a cup of tea in the morning, you must remember that God has willed it; otherwise, you would not get it. You would not get even a cup of milk or tea if God has not willed it. You should not imagine that you have money in your pocket, and therefore you purchased it. You will not have any money in the pocket, and you ...

Commentary on the Bhagavadgita : 36- Swami Krishnananda.

==============================================================   =============================================================== Tuesday, May 24, 2022. 19:30. Discourse 44:  The Sixteenth Chapter Begins –  Divine and Undivine Qualities : POST-36 ================================================================ "Etam drishtim avashtabhya nashtatmano ’lpa-buddhayah prabhavanty ugra-karmanah kshayaya jagato ’hitah." (BG :16-9) Holding fast to such views, these misdirected souls, with small intellect and cruel actions, arise as enemies of the world threatening its destruction. They become terrorists— ugra-karmanah .   They are a terror for everybody because they have a vision of life which is bent on self-satisfaction and the destruction of everybody except themselves.  Nashtatmanah: They have lost their own souls, and they cannot see that there is a soul in anybody else. Inasmuch as there is no soul—they have lost it, and they cannot visualise souls in anybody other...

Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity : 21-3. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Monday, May 23,  2022. 20:00 Chapter 21.The Two Ways of Yoga -3. ========================================================================= Now, this unifying factor has to rise into conscious action. It should not be lying back in the unconscious level. The whole Atman, the whole Self, the whole being, the entire faculty – understanding, willing, feeling, volition – everything should come together into a single activity, not diversified action.  T his is to fix the understanding in That,  the buddhi in That,  the intellect in That,  the reason in That,  and the whole soul in That: tadātmāna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanniṣṭhāḥ: We have taken a vow to observe this discipline of recognising That, bringing That into t...

THE MAHABHARATAM : 17. - Swami Advayananda

 ======================================================================== ======================================================================= Sunday, May 22, 2022. 18:00. Prelude to the Bhagavad Geeta : Meditation on the Bhagavad Geeta. ===================================================================== 18 Episodes :  ====================================================================== Episode 1: How the Writing Began Episode 2: The Story of Bhishma Episode 3: Amba Seeks Revenge on Bhishma Episode 4: The Story of Vidhura Episode 5: The Story of Queen Kunti Episode 6: The Young Princes Grow Up Together  Episode 7: The Development of Karna  Episode 8: The “Wax Palace” Episode 9: The Pandavas Enjoy Some Peace! Episode 10: Draupadi’s Swayamwaram Episode 11: The Pandavas Settle in Indraprastham Episode 12: The “Gambling Match” Episode 13 : The De-Robing of Draupadi  Episode 14: The Twelve Years in Exile  Episode 15: The Thirteenth Year Incognito  Ep...

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 16.

 ====================================================================== ====================================================================== Saturday, May 21, 2022. 19:30.  Chapter-18.  Moksha-sanyasa-yogam -16. ===================================================================== Slokam-16.  "Tatraivam   sati   kartaram    atmanam   kevalam   tu   yah, pasyatyakrtabuddhitvat   na   sa   pasyati   durmatih." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TATVAM : Essence "Therefore one who thinks himself the only doer, not considering the five factors, is certainly not very intelligent and cannot see things as they are." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation : evam   sati  =  as...