Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-17, Slokam-25.



Sunday, January 30, 2022. 20:30
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
Chapter-17. { Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yogam }


BG 17.25.

"Tad ity anabhisandhaya phalam yajna-tapah-kriyah

dana-kriyash cha vividhah kriyante moksha-kankshibhih."


Translation :

tat—the syllable Tat; 


anabhisandhāya—without desiring; 

phalam—fruitive rewards; 








kriyante—are done; 

mokṣha-kāṅkṣhibhiḥ—by seekers of freedom from material entanglements.


Translation of Slokam :

" Persons who do not desire fruitive rewards, but seek to be free from material entanglements, utter the word “Tat” along with acts of austerity, sacrifice, and charity."


Commentary :

Now Lord Krishna glorifies the auspicious sound vibration TAT. 

The performance of yagna or propitiation, 

tapah or austerities and danam or charity by the pure minded aspirants in sattva guna the mode of goodness are performed without any desire for rewards. 

Therefore the recitation of TAT is auspicious because through the purification of the mind and the subsequent renunciation of desire for recompense one becomes motivated for spiritual goals such as moksha or liberation from material existence, 

atma tattva or realisation of the immortal soul and communion with the Supreme Lord.

Whatever prescribed Vedic activities performed by the Vaisnavas and brahmanas such as study of the Vedic scriptures and yagna or propitiation and worship by ritual to the Supreme Lord, 

tapah or austerities by the kshatriyas or royal warrior class and danam or charity by the vaisyas or merchant class are all done out of devotion and dedicated to the Supreme Lord Krishna or any of His authorised incarnations and expansions as revealed in Vedic scriptures without the slightest desire for material rewards. 

Such activities devoid of motivation for mundane results are designated as TAT signifying that such acts are for atma tattva or realisation of the immortal soul, 

perception of the brahmam or spiritual substratum pervading all existence and attaining communion with the Supreme Lord. 

The Vishnu Sahasra confirms that : 

sah, vah, kah, klim, and tat denote the Supreme absolute. 

Hence the ontology of TAT has been demonstrated to signify its connection to transcendental and eternal activities which independently bestow moksha or freedom from material existence and promotion to the eternal spiritual realms.

The auspiciousness of resonating TAT also as a name of the brahman or spiritual substratum pervading all existence which is a potency of Lord Krishna signifying that everything is under the complete control of the Supreme Lord. 

To perform prescribed Vedic activities without any desire for rewards is known as TAT. 

Such followers of the Vedic scriptures perform all activities for the Supreme Lord out of devotion or as a matter of duty with no expectation of anything in return. 

This is also known as TAT.

The fruits of all actions belong to God, and hence, any yajña (sacrifice), tapaḥ (austerity), and dānam (charity), must be consecrated by offering it for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. Now, Shree Krishna glorifies the sound vibration “Tat,” which refers to Brahman. Chanting Tat along with austerity, sacrifice, and charity symbolizes that they are not to be performed for material rewards, but for the eternal welfare of the soul through God-realization.

To be continued ....



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