A Study of the Bhagavadgita - Chapter 7.4. Swami Krishnananda.


Monday, August 9, 2021. 10:102.PM.
Chapter 7:The Entry of the Absolute into the Relative - 4.

These degrees of the manifestation of reality through the relationship of subjects and objects, endless in number, ascending and descending in series, is the structure of the cosmos; and a Super-person, Super-man, is one who is conscious of this fact of his involvement in a transcendent degree, whatever that degree be. Perhaps even Super-men have degrees. There are various degrees of the reality involved in Super-people also. It does not mean what we call all Super-men are equal and uniform in power and knowledge everywhere. All the avataras of God, as they are called, incarnations, are also manifestations of Super-men, you may say, but there are degrees. One has a lesser percentage of divinity, one has a higher percentage of divinity in the hierarchy of power that is granted by the Supreme Centre that is the Absolute.

Hence, a person who is a Super-person, a Super-individual, a God-man, you may call him, lives freely in this world. He is free because he is controlled, operated by, supported by the Central Power. But if you assert your individuality and cut yourself off from that link which is connecting you to everything in the world, you are done for. Then you will suffer in this world. You will say that nobody helps you, that you have nothing. Actually, you have everything with you. The Cosmic Purpose, which is all abundance and power, manifests itself every moment of time, which is called the avatara, a subject which will come in the Fourth Chapter of the Gita.

When you live in this world as a master, your behaviour with people should be like a good psychologist and a very good teacher. The Bhagavadgita is also a very good psychologist. Your ‘Super-hood’, your Super-personality should not parade itself as a kind of superior boss over people in the world. Na buddhibheda? janayed ajñ?n?? karmasa?gin?m (Gita 3.26). People who are inferior to you in knowledge and comprehension should not be interfered with. You should not say, “You are on the wrong path, you are a fool, your knowledge is inadequate, you don’t understand anything.” A psychologist or schoolteacher does not talk like that. He understands the inadequacy of comprehension of the student, and from the level the student is, the teacher slowly raises the consciousness of the student.

A good teacher is also a good psychologist. The teacher descends from his high pedestal to the level of a particular student and communes himself with the mentality, feeling and difficulty of the student, as a good doctor descends into the condition of a patient who is suffering. Not only does he understand his physical suffering, but also his mind and feelings, and the causes of his illness which may be psychological, or anything. So he is a parent. A good doctor or teacher is a father and mother, and a Super-man is also a father and mother, as the Lord will tell you in his message.

To be continued ...



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