
Showing posts from August, 2020

Study of the Bhagavadgita : Chapter-2 : Post- 5. - Swami Krishnananda

---------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, September 02, 2020. 10:55. AM. Chapter 2: The Background of the Bhagavadgita-5. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. When you go to work in a factory or an office, you will find certain peculiar conditions prevailing which you cannot regard as yours, or as palatable to you. You would like to shunt them off and push them out, show them a stepmotherly treatment, or wish that they would not be there at all. And there are other circumstances in the very same place which you would eagerly like to have, or wish they would continue for as long as possible. But whatever be your wish and your attempt to adjust yourself to these circumstances, you are in a state of tension. You will never find in this world only that which is not yours, nor will you find only things which are yours. They will all be mixed up. Even under your nose just at this moment you will find there are tw...

The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita - 4.3. Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, August  31, 2020. 7:11.AM. Chapter 4: Duty – An Empirical Manifestation of True Being-3. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Secondly, while you have to perform duty, the nature of the consequence that follows from the performance of duty is not clear to your mind. So to expect a particular result to follow from a particular action would be like a blind man groping in the dark and catching hold of what he does not know is there. While under the given circumstance of your existence you have an obligation towards things, which has to be clear to your mind, you cannot clearly perceive the result that will follow from that action because results are conditioned by infinite factors, not necessarily the thing that you do from the point of view of your limited understanding. There are other factors which condition things. Again, we shall revert to this theme as we go ...

The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita - 6.6. Swami Krishnananda.

------------------------------------------- Saturday, August 29, , 2020. 8:49. AM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Duty -6. --------------------------------------------- 1. Apart from this necessity to live in an economic atmosphere so as to produce economic values, we have also the need for protection. The need for organisation and enactment of laws is the need we feel for a government of human society. At least the Contract Theory in political science accepts that the origin of government is in a mutual agreement and contract of people for protection of themselves in a particular manner. We have organised a government; we wanted it and have created it in a particular way for our own welfare. The government exists for the people. This function requires another class of people, apart from these who are the producers of consumable goods. 2. But, then, we cannot simply produce goods and keep them in a corner. There is a necessity to organise the transference of these economi...

Commentary on the Srimad Bhagavad Gita- Discourse 5.1. - Swami Krishnananda

===================================================== Friday, August 28, 2020. 9:58.AM. Discourse 5: The Second Chapter Concludes – The Establishment of the Soul in Universality -1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The impulsion to act arises due to the compulsion of prakriti’s modes, which always revolve and rotate in a cyclic fashion. Like the incessant movement of the spokes of a wheel in motion, the gunas of prakriti—sattva, rajas and tamas—keep perpetually moving and never resting. Inasmuch as everybody—myself, yourself, and all things—is constituted of these essentials of prakriti, the mutation which prakriti perpetually undergoes has a direct impact upon our individual existence, and we also undergo the same mutation. Whether we want to or not, we are forced to act in a particular direction. The whole point is: In what direction are we acting? 2. Action by itself is something like electricity, which i...

The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity : 6.4. Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, August 27, 2020. The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita Chapter 6: Beauty and Duty in the Bhagavadgita-4. (Spoken on Bhagavadgita Jayanti) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the Bhagavadgita we have the presentation of a great beauty, and also the explanation of a great duty. Both these things are there. God is the centre of the supreme duty incumbent upon everyone in creation, and God is also the greatest beauty. The cosmic form, the Visvarupa Darshana, was the pinnacle of beauty, grandeur, and magnificence. It was also the explanation of duty. In that picturesque miracle which is feebly explained before us in the words of the poet, a staggering reality is envisioned. ‘Staggering’ is the only word I can use, because our heads will become giddy thinking that. We will become giddy if we begin to think what beauty is. We will also become giddy if we begin to k...

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-15. Sloka -3. & 4.

=============================================================== "This  chapter is very important, hence kindly  follow  and  understand  each  slokam  well." ============================================================= Wednesday, August 26, 2020. 12:09. PM. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita Chapter-15. Purushothama-yogam Sloka -3 & 4. ------------------------------------------------- Slokam-3 : Na  rupamasyeah  tathopalabyate nanto  na  cadirna  ca  sampratishtha, asvatthamenam  suviruddhamulam asamngasastrena  grddhena  citva. ------------------------------------------------------ Translation : iha  asya   rupam  =  here  the  specified  form  of  tree  of  samsaram; tatha  na  upalabhyate  =  could  not  be  seen  as  said  above; antah  na  adi  ca  n...

Study of the Bhagavadgita : Chapter-2 : Post- 4. - Swami Krishnananda

----------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, August 25, 2020. 2:51. AM. Chapter 2: The Background of the Bhagavadgita-4. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This world is constituted of two things: what is mine and what is not mine. The whole battle is just between these two forces: mine and not mine. Don’t you think that the world is made up of only these two things? Is there anything else in this world? “This is my house, these are my relations, this is my family, this is my property, this is my village, this is my hutment, this is my country. That is not mine.” Sometimes parents tell little children, “Your neighbour is your enemy; don’t go to that house.” So children are initiated at the very outset as to how to think in terms of ‘mine’ and ‘not mine’. 2. You have to put on a dual attitude in your daily life in respect of what is yours and what is not yours. It does not mean that you are involved only ...

The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita - 4.2. Swami Krishnananda

----------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, August  24, 2020. 7:41.AM. Chapter 4: Duty – An Empirical Manifestation of True Being-2. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. It is difficult to understand what all this means if we study this theme merely as an abstract science of logical philosophy. Perhaps I may place before you an analogy or a comparison that is more concrete and visible to our eyes than this pure abstract principle we are discussing in this context. We owe a duty to the body in which we are enshrined, and every part of the body owes a duty to every other part of the body, but no part of the body has a right over another part. This is something very novel that we see in the physiological organism of our own personality. Every limb of our body has a duty which it automatically performs without compulsion or impulsion, without any mandate or governmental enactment; yet, it does not expect anyth...