Study of the Bhagavadgita : Chapter-2 : Post- 5. - Swami Krishnananda
---------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, September 02, 2020. 10:55. AM. Chapter 2: The Background of the Bhagavadgita-5. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. When you go to work in a factory or an office, you will find certain peculiar conditions prevailing which you cannot regard as yours, or as palatable to you. You would like to shunt them off and push them out, show them a stepmotherly treatment, or wish that they would not be there at all. And there are other circumstances in the very same place which you would eagerly like to have, or wish they would continue for as long as possible. But whatever be your wish and your attempt to adjust yourself to these circumstances, you are in a state of tension. You will never find in this world only that which is not yours, nor will you find only things which are yours. They will all be mixed up. Even under your nose just at this moment you will find there are tw...