The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity- 3.7. Swami Krishnananda


Chapter 3: The Aranya Parvam of the Mahabharatam-7.

#All the things that are inside the mind will slowly start moving when you are alone. There should be no noise. Even scorpions and lizards in the house will not move if you make a lot of noise. They will be still or go into a hole.  

##We make a lot of noise in our life, and so all our impulses are buried inside. This is what psychoanalysts call suppression and repression of impulses, which are not likely to be good for the health of the psyche. They create complexes – a kind of odd behaviour which we sometimes have. Our behaviour is not always very fine and happy, cultured and sweet. 

###Oftentimes we become odd. It is not that we want to be odd, but we suddenly feel pulled to behave like that due to the pressure of something inside. We may repent for it afterwards, but yet we lose our balance occasionally, even in the outside behaviour of our personality, let alone in our balance inside. 

####Therefore, each one of us should find time to sit alone.

#And you should never hide your faults to your own self. Nobody would like to tom-tom one’s own faults to society, because there is a conflict between desire and social reality. This is what psychology and psychoanalysis say. Human longings do not always concur with social norms, and this is what is meant by conflict with reality causing revolt and various complexes in the individuals of society. 

##But it is better to know one’s own position : “I have this weakness in me.” 

###Otherwise, if you do not settle these issues, they will gain an upper hand. A silent enemy should not be considered as a friend merely because it is silent. Silent impulses are not necessarily absent problems. 

####They are present potentialities of future difficulties.

#Again, a question may arise : what are these difficulties? 

*They are nothing but the calls of our own personality, the calls of our involvements. Anything in which you are involved is a reality and, as I said, our difficulty is a conflict with reality. 

##What are the realities? 

**Anything with which you are concerned is a reality for you. If you are not concerned with anything, it is not a reality. As a citizen of a country, the national law is a reality. You should not say it is not there. 

###You cannot come in conflict with that.
To be continued ...




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