Sri Krishna as Revealed in All Levels of Reality - 6. Swami Krishnananda


Spoken on May 1, 1983)
#So life becomes yoga in a very important sense. Yoga, at least from the point of view of this sort of understanding of what the Bhagavadgita means, is not outside the practice of yoga. Yoga is not a function that we perform among the many activities of our day-to-day existence; it is that alchemic touch that we give to any kind of performance and the very structure of our existence. 

##It is the touch that we give, the transforming touch of perfection, the touch of the philosopher’s stone, as it were, that converts iron into gold, by which existence and activity do not remain as two different pictures presented before us. 

###God and world are not on the right side and the left side, as it were; and as Sri Krishna and Arjuna represent God and the world, God and man, the universal and the particular, these have to be in one chariot in the field of the Mahabharata which, as we have been told several times, is this life itself.
#This chariot in which Krishna and Arjuna are seated is the location of our existence. 

##Wherever you are located, that is your chariot, and if you can place yourself in the position of an Arjuna, you have to find your own Krishna in that particular locality in which you are stationed, and your station has its duties. 

###Whatever be the station in which you are located, that particular station calls forth a particular corresponding type of duty on your part. 

*"So first of all find out where you are positioned in this universe – what your location is. That is your chariot, and there you as an Arjuna have to find a corresponding Krishna. The corresponding Krishna is nothing but the universal element present in that particular context of your location as an individual in that station mentioned."
*Where are you located? 

#You are located in many positions at the same time, though only one or two come to the surface of your understanding and the vision of your mind. 

##A politically involved busy individual may think he is located in the political world, and he has no time to think anything else. He has no family, he has no obligations of any kind, and nothing to think except the fact that he is a spark of the political conflagration. 

###Similarly, you know how a wealthy man or aristocrat positions himself in the world. He has his own idea of his world, and he is located in a particular level.
To be continued ...



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