Srimad Bhagavad Gita : Chapter-14. Slokam-1.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita : Chapter-14. Slokam-1.

1. Introduction of Chater-14.:

In chapter fourteen Lord Krishna reveals matters pertaining goodness, passsion and nescience which everything in the material existence is influenced by. He gives pertinent details on the essential characteristics of each individually, their cause, the level of their potency, how they influence a living entity affected by them as well as the signs of one who has risen above them. Here he clearly advises to relinquish oneself from ignorance and passion and adopt the path of pure goodness until aquiring the ability to transcend them. Thus this chapter is entitled; The Three Qualities of Material Nature.

2. Slokam-1.

 Sri-Bhagavan Uvacha

"Param bhuyah pravakshyami jnananam jnanam uttamam
yaj jnatva munayah sarve param siddhim ito gatah."

3. Meaning by word :

Sri-Bhagavan Uvacha—the Divine Lord said;

pravakshyami—I shall explain;
jnananam—of all knowledge;
jnanam uttamam—the supreme wisdom;
itah—through this;

4. Translation of Slokam :

The Divine Lord said: I shall once again explain to you the supreme wisdom, the best of all knowledge; by knowing which, all the great saints attained the highest perfection

Discussion :

In the previous chapter, Shree Krishna had explained that all life forms are a combination of soul and matter. He had also elucidated that prakṛiti (material nature) is responsible for creating the field of activities for the puruṣh (soul). He added that this does not happen independently, but under the direction of the Supreme Lord, who is also seated within the body of the living being. In this chapter, he goes on to elaborate in detail about the three-fold qualities of material nature (the guṇas). By gaining this knowledge and imbibing it into our consciousness as realized wisdom, we can ascend to the highest perfection.

In the previous chapter the Supreme Lord Krishna explained the reality of prakriti or the material substratum pervading physical existence and the purusa or the Supreme Being as eternal consciousness. He also clarified how the everything manifesting in existence is a combination of the ksetra asphere of activity and the ksetrajna the knower of the sphere of activity and confirmed that this does not happen independently; but it is by the will of the Supreme Lord. Now in this chapter He delineates at length the unlimited, phenomenal existence of the atma or immortal soul manifesting from its association with the three gunas of material nature as passion, goodness and nescience. He declares that he will reveal the supreme knowledge, the best knowledge which leads to moksa or liberation from material existence which comes from devotion, penance and meditation. Knowing which great sages have achieved release from samsara the perpetual cycle of birth and death ascended to attain the ultimate goal.

 In the previous chapter the Supreme Lord Krishna explained that by comprehending the factual relationships of purusa or the Supreme Being as paramatma the all pervading supreme soul, the atma or the immortal soul and prakriti or the material substratum pervading physical existence. Along with imbibing the virtues beginning in verse 8 such as humilty and reverence and also by bhaktir avyabhicarini or exclusive devotion to the Supreme Lord as given in verse 11 which awards His grace. By doing so one would achieve moksa or freedom from material existence.

Now in this chapter the Lord Krishna propounds how the gunas or three modes of sattva guna or mode of goodness, raja guna or mode of passion and tama guna or mode of ignorance all individually and conjointly cause the jiva or embodied being to be bound to samsara the perpetual cycle of birth and death and gives the remedy by which one may be redeemed and delivered therefrom. The word pravaksyami means I will declare.

What will Lord Krishna declare? He will declare jnananam jnanam uttamam meaning the topmost knowledge and wisdom.

What knowledge and wisdom is this? Knowledge of the three gunas whose qualities directly influence the combination of prakriti and purusa effected as the jiva or embodied being.

What wisdom is this? Wisdom that surpasses all that has previously been told about this combination.

The munis are the great sages and seers or munayah who possessing this wisdom in deep meditation achieve self-realisation and release from samsara ascending to the supreme state. The excellence of this wisdom is extolled next.

To be continued ...



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