Sri Krishna’s Brindavanam and Dvarka Lilas : 10. Glory of Srimad Maha Bhagavatam : Swami Krishnananda





Recap : It is impossible to recount the many lilas in the Uttarardha in a few minutes. When the Kamsa Vadham was over, Sri Krishna sent Akrura to Dhritarashtra to enquire about the welfare of the Pandavas. He had not forgotten them. Sri Krishna had not seen either the Pandava brothers or the Kurus even once until the idea came to him to enquire about their fate, because he heard that they were about to be burnt in the lakshagraha 


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So Akrura went there, and he advised Dhritarashtra, “Your Highness! You must be very impartial to the sons of Pandu also.”

Dhritarashtra pleaded his inability. “I am glad that Krishna has sent a message. Whatever you have said is perfectly right, I agree. But my sons are dear to me, and they are pressurising me to behave like this. I cannot follow Krishna’s advice because of love for my children.”

Hearing all this, Akrura felt it was useless to talk to Dhritarashtra. He left, and conveyed the news to Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

If we read every verse of this Tenth Skandha of the Srimad Bhagavata with an impartial eye, we will find everything is superhuman, and no human element can be found anywhere. Towards the end of the Dvarka Lila, there is Rukmini-harana. Sri Krishna marries Rukmini, and there also he played a lila, as recorded in the Bhagavata.

Sri Krishna completed one phase of his life entirely before he entered another phase. He entirely finished all the lilas of childhood before he entered into the householder life of Dvarka. The majestic good man and gentleman who was the ruler of Dvarka was altogether different from the little child in Vrindavana. But he had something else to do. His work was not over merely with the Vrindavana Lila and Dvarka Lila, where he lived a calm and quiet life of a householder, meeting people, blessing them, and helping them in any manner whatsoever. In this connection we are reminded of the blessing that he bestowed upon one of his old schoolmates, called Sudama.

To be continued ..



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