Bhagavan Sri Krishna – The Divine Perfection : 2. Swami Krishnananda

(Spoken on Sri Krishna Janmashtami, August 25, 1978)

This wholeness is present in our lives also. We are completes, not partials, and in our physical life, mental life, intellectual life, social life, political life, and in every aspect of our life we assert this completeness so that wherever there is a lack felt by us in our aspiration for completeness, we feel a sort of unhappiness.

Something is lacking, as we say. The sense of lack is also the feeling that completeness has not been achieved. Even if we take our breakfast, our lunch, an ordinary meal, we wish that it should be a complete action and not a partial act that we perform. We do not like a half meal, for instance, or a one-fourth meal.

It should be a complete meal for a complete satisfaction of a particular stage of our existence – the physical and the biological. When we speak, we wish to become complete in our expressions, and when someone speaks in a half-hearted, partial, segmented or chaotic manner, though what is spoken is very delightful and meaningful, we feel a sense of lack.

There is an inadequacy of expression. Even when things are properly expressed, the theme that is put forth also should have the pattern of a completeness. Otherwise, we feel that something has been left unsaid, and we will not be satisfied because of there being a lack in the theme itself, notwithstanding the completeness of the expression.

To be continued ..


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