Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-13, Slo-19, Discussion-1.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :
Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam)
Slokam-19.  ( Material nature and the living entities should be understood to be beginningless. Their transformations and the modes of matter are products of material nature. )

"Prakratim purusham caiva viddhiyanadi ubavapi,

Vikaramsca guna.scaiva viddhi prakratisambavan."

Prakrtim = Nature;
Purusham = Living entities;
Ubhau = Both;
Api = Also;
Eva = Certainly;
Viddhi = Must know;
Anadhi = Without beginning;
Vikaran = Transformation ( emotion );
Ca = Also;
Gunan = Three modes of nature ( Sattva, Rajas, Tamas );
Ca = Also;
Eva = Certainly;
Viddhi = Know;
Prakrti = Nature;
Sambhavan = Produced of.


In the 8th chapter, Lord explained HiS "VIBHUTI-S" with the adjectives viz 1. "APARA-PRAKRATI"and 2. "Para-PRAKRATI" and the complete ( whole things ) are generated from these two totality.

Apara-prakrati is called as "Kshetram" otherwise known as 'Prakrati or Nature.'
And Para-prakrati is called as 'Kshetrajnan or Purushan.'
Prakrati and Purushan are the two bhavas ( states) of Paramatma, and just like Paramatma, they too has no beginning ( Infinite ).

From the Praktrati and Purushan 'Samyogam'( union ), this 'Samsaram'( Life ) born.
Samsaram is generated, sustained, and degenerated by Prakrati and Purushan.

The leela ( play ) is happening in "BRAHMAM"which is beyond everything.

The incident in the "Samashti" ( Social Structure ) is also happening in "Viyashti."

Lord says : Influenced by my vasanas I create a state of experience to my requirements; sustain it as far as I need; later when I don't need I discard it.

The vasanas in me are prakrati and I am Purushan.

Myself and my vasanas are the cause for my Samsaram.

"Likes and Dislikes, Joy and Sorrow, this way all emotions and three gunas such as Sattvam, Rajas, and Tamas are Prakrati Darmam-s."

To be continued...



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