Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-13, Slo-18, Discussion-3.


Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-13, Slo-18, Discussion-3.
Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )
Slokam-18. ( He is the source of light in all luminous objects. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. He is knowledge, He is the object of knowledge, and He is the goal of knowledge. He is situated in everyone's heart.)

jyotisamapi  tajjyotih  tamasah  paramucyate,

jnanam   jneyam   jnanagamyam   hrdi  sarvasya  vishthitam.

Word by Meaning :

jyotisamapi  jyotih  tat  =  that, in all luminous objects, also  source of light;

tamasah  param  ucyate  =  is said, beyond, of the darkness;

jnanam   jneyam   jnanagamyam  =  that  is,  the  knowledge, to be known, to be approached by knowledge;

(tat)  sarvasya  hrdi  vishthitam  =  that  is  situated  in  the  hearts  of  everyone.

Discussion :3.

The Supreme Lord is self illuminated, He is self contented and He is equal towards all. Therefore as He is the foremost of all, He is the object of attainment for all and all jivas or embodied beings should seek His grace for only by His grace can He be known.
The Supreme Lord Krishna known as Parabrahma the source of the brahman or spiritual substratum pervading all existence, is the light of all lights, the illuminator of even the sun and the stars. He is shining, resplendently effulgent all things shine from Him, by His light all creation is full of light. Therefore Parabrahma is untouched by darkness and beyond all nescience untouched by ignorance.
The Svetasvatara Upanisad III.VII. beginning veda hametam purusam meaning: The Supreme Lord shines more brilliantly then the sun and by realising Him only one attains moksa or liberation there is no other way to accomplish this. It is this knowledge that is to manifest in the functions of the intellect regarding the 20 superlative virtues given in verses 8 to 12.
It is also knowable in the form of sound by OM the primordial sound frequency of the Supreme Lord. It is also accessible through spiritual practices and easily attainable by bhakti or exclusive loving devotion to the Supreme Lord.
The discovery of the atma or immortal soul within the etheric heart is being emphasised by acquiring knowledge and performing appropriately for self- realisation.


Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-13, Slo-19, Discussion-1.


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