Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-13, Slo-18, Discussion-2.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-13, Slo-18, Discussion-1.
Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )
Slokam-18. ( He is the source of light in all luminous objects. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. He is knowledge, He is the object of knowledge, and He is the goal of knowledge. He is situated in everyone's heart.)
jyotisamapi tajjyotih tamasah paramucyate,
jnanam jneyam jnanagamyam hrdi sarvasya vishthitam.
Word by Meaning :
jyotisamapi jyotih tat = that, in all luminous objects, also source of light;
tamasah param ucyate = is said, beyond, of the darkness;
jnanam jneyam jnanagamyam = that is, the knowledge, to be known, to be approached by knowledge;
(tat) sarvasya hrdi vishthitam = that is situated in the hearts of everyone.
Discussion :2.
But there is no limitation with the light and sight of the atma once it has been realised. The words tamasah param means beyond darkness referring to the darkness of tamas or ignorance designating the subtle but limited conditions of prakriti or the material substratum pervading physical existence; but the atma or immortal soul being eternal is transcendental to any conditions or limitations.
The words jnanam jneyam means knowledge worthy of being known comprehensible by the intellect and characterised by consciousness. The words jnana gamyam means wisdom accessible through knowledge or that wisdom gained from embodying and living the 20 virtues given in verses 8 through 12 beginning with amanitvam or reverence. These exalted virtues which constitute spiritual knowledge are the means to achieve the wisdom of the atma. As the atma is situated within the heart of all sentient beings, the Supreme Lord Krishna known as Parabrahma is hrdi sarvasy dhisthitam situated in the heart of all sentient beings.
Since the Supreme Lord Krishna is achieved by experiencing spiritual knowledge, He is understood to be the goal of all knowledge. Know the atma or immortal soul by experiencing the atma. As the Supreme Lord is the bestower of the atma and the atma is only knowable through Him then He is the most worthy object of knowledge.
If the Supreme Lord is knowable by other means then the words He spoke earlier in verse 13 jneyam yat tat meaning all that which is worth knowing would make this verse repetitive. Now He affirms here the means to achieve what He revealed as the goal in verse 13 negating any contradiction. The Supreme Lord knows Himself by His Self alone.
His knowing is not dependent on any external source outside of Himself. In special cases He is able to be known by others as it is possible to know Him by His desire and also by realization of the atma. But only by His grace can this manifest and without His grace knowledge of Him can never manifest.
To be continued ...
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