Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-13, Slo-18, Discussion-2.
20/02/2018 Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-13, Slo-18, Discussion-1. ************************************** Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam ) ************************************* Slokam-18. ( He is the source of light in all luminous objects. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. He is knowledge, He is the object of knowledge, and He is the goal of knowledge. He is situated in everyone's heart.) **************************************** jyotisamapi tajjyotih tamasah paramucyate, jnanam jneyam jnanagamyam hrdi sarvasya vishthitam. *************************************************** Word by Meaning : jyotisamapi jyotih tat = that, in all luminous objects, also source of light; tamasah param ucyate = is said, beyond, of the darkness; jnanam jneyam jnanagamyam = that is, t...