Gita : Ch-13. Slo-6 & 7. Discussion-1.

Friday, December 09, 2016.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-13. ( Khetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )

Slokam- 6&7.


Mahabutaniahankarah  bhuddhiraviyaktameva  ca,

Indriyani dasaikam  ca  panchendriyagocarah.

mahabutani  =  five elements ( Akasam, vayu, agni, jalam,  bhumi. );

ahankaram  =  false ego ( A sense of "karthrutva- bhoktyatva-abhimanam" );

bhuddhi  avyaktam  =  intelligence, vasana;

dhasa  indriyani  =  ten  indriyas;

ekam  =  mind;

pancha  indriya  gocarah  =    five indriya vishayas ( objects : form, sound, taste, smell, touch. ), thus, cosisting of 24 tattva-s.


iccha  dveshah  sukam  dukham  samkhatascetana  drutih,

etat  kshetram  samasena  savikaramudahrutam.

etat  kshetram  =  this   kshetram   ( our body  );

iccha  dvesham  sukam  dukkam  = desire, hatred, joy and sorrow;

samkhatah  cetana  drutih  =  samkhatam, cetana,  and druti;

savikaram  =  thus 7 emotions;

samasena  udahrutam  =  briefed  to you Arjuna.

Discussion - 1.

The five great elements, false ego, intelligence, the unmanifested, the ten senses, the mind, the five sense objects, desire, hatred, happiness, distress, the aggregate, the life symptoms, and convictions-all these are considered, in summary, to be the field of activities and its interactions.

From all the authoritative statements of the great sages, the Vedic hymns and the aphorisms of the Vedanta-sutra, the components of this world are earth, water, fire, air and ether.

These are the five great elements (mahabhuta).

To be continued  ...


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