Gita : Ch-13. Slo-1. Discussion-11.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

     Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )

     Slokam-1. ( Arjuna  question  to  Lord  Sri  Krishna ) -

       (Arjuna said: O Lord, I wish to know about prakrti [nature], Purusha [the experiencer], and the field and the knower of the field, and of knowledge and the end of knowledge. )

      arjuna uvaca,
    prakrtim  purusham  caiva  kshetram   kshetragjnameva  ca,
    etadveditumicchami   jnanam   jneyam  ca  kesava.

    arjuna  uvaca  =  Arjuna  said;
    kesava!  =  O  Lord;
    prakrtim  purusham  ca  eva  =  nature,  and  the  experiencer;
    kshetram  kshetragjnam  ca  eva  =  kshetram  (body),  and  kshetragjnan  ( jivatma );
    jnanam   jneyam  ca  etat  =  jnanam ( knowledge ),  jneyam ( object  of  the  knowledge,  all  about  these;
   veditum  icchami  =  I  wish  to  know.

      Discussion -11.

One who is freed from the modulations of desires and the bewilderment of attractions is able to unite with pure thoughts of spiritual consciousness. Such a jiva or embodied being is considered to have achieved moksa or liberation from material existence. The Narayana Scripture states that there are two manifestations of moksa. The superior form of moksa is known as suddha or pure liberation and its consciousness is always attuned and in harmony with dharma or eternal righteousness and the Supreme Lord Krishna or any of His authorized avatars or incarnations and expansions as revealed in Vedic scriptures. This consciousness has an all comprehensive knowledge about the atma or eternal soul and following the injunctions and ordinances of the Vedic scriptures is always engaged in performing different levels of bhakti or devotion to the Supreme Lord which eventually results in direct communion with the Supreme Lord eternal association with Him.

The inferior form of moksa is known as asuric or demoniac liberation and its consciousness is antagonistic to dharma or eternal righteousness, it is addicted to perverse pleasures of the physical body, it has a distorted conceptions of the atma and is always desiring to perform degraded and prohibited activities. Its mentality is adverse to engaging in any service of the Supreme Lord and eventually without fail end up in the most fallen of species in the lowest hellish realms due to offenses made against the devotees of the Supreme Lord Krishna.
Next : Slokam-2.
To be continued  ....


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