Gita : Ch-13. Slo-1.Discussion-5.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :
 Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )
 Slokam-1. ( Arjuna  question  to  Lord  Sri  Krishna ) -

  (Arjuna said: O Lord, I wish to know about prakrti [nature], Purusha [the experiencer], and the field and the knower of the field, and of knowledge and the end of knowledge. )

 arjuna uvaca,
 prakrtim  purusham  caiva  kshetram   kshetragjnameva  ca,
 etadveditumicchami   jnanam   jneyam  ca  kesava.
 arjuna  uvaca  =  Arjuna  said;
 kesava!  =  O  Lord;
 prakrtim  purusham  ca  eva  =  nature,  and  the  experiencer;
 kshetram  kshetragjnam  ca  eva  =  kshetram  (body),  and  kshetragjnan  ( jivatma );
  jnanam   jneyam  ca  etat  =  jnanam ( knowledge ),  jneyam ( object  of  the  knowledge,  all  about  these;
 veditum  icchami  =  I  wish  to  know.


In slokam seven of the previous chapter Lord Krishna declares sammuddharta mrtyu-samsara sagarat meaning saves them from the perpetual cycle of birth and the death which is like an ocean because in a day of Brahma every human being has approximately 43,000 separate births and life cycles. So the figure is astronomical if one calculates how many human lifetimes transpire in a only year of Brahma's lifetime. So in this present chapter the truth about redemption from this transmigration from the cycle of birth and death is being revealed for this fulfilment. As it is not even remotely possible to achieve the fulfilment of redemption without atma-tattva or realisation of the eternal soul within. So in order to inoculate this knowledge of truth this chapter will delineate the relationship between prakriti or the material substratum pervading physical existence and the Pususa or the Supreme Consciousness pervading spiritual existence that is the source of all existence.

It is the lack of discrimination and discernment between the prakriti and Purusa which causes delusion and binds the atma or eternal soul which is an infinitesimal spark of the Purusa within the etheric heart of the jiva or embodied being, keeping them in bondage locked by samsara or the perpetual cycle of transmigratory existence birth after birth, life after life. It is by the power of first Purusa and then prakriti that the Supreme Lord Krishna manifests all creation and they are distinctly different from each other. Prakriti is related to the ksetra or the field and the Purusa is related to ksetrajnam or knower of the field. The kshetra is the material body which is the basis for all physical enjoyment and the sprouting ground for endless transmigration. The ksetrajnam is that which is conscious of itself and thinks in terms of I and mine and is called the jiva by those who have factual discriminative knowledge of both. This is because the jiva is the beneficiary of the results of the actions performed by the body like the farmer who reaps the harvest of his field.

To be continued  ...


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